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He turned to his side and I realized Daniel had signaled for him. While the two of them spoke softly, I took Julie a few steps away.

“What are you guys doing?” I asked.

“We’re going to go back to our room. You?”

“I think we’re staying down here. At least I hope we are.”

She winked at me. “He knows you well. I’m sure you’ll have fun.”

“I bet Daniel has something very exciting planned for when you get back to the room.”

“I think he does.” Her voice dropped. “And I have a pretty good idea what it is.”


“He’s been preparing me for anal sex.” She bit her bottom lip. “I’m not sure it’s what he has planned for tonight, but I bet it’s sooner rather than later.”

“Trust me, if Daniel’s anything like Nathaniel—and so far, he has been—he has everything all planned out. And when it’s all said and done, you’ll probably end up loving it. Craving it even.”

It should have felt strange to be talking about anal sex while standing near a dance floor, but it didn’t. It was partly because Julie and I had grown close as friends. But probably it was also because sexual tension was so thick in the courtyard. Besides, I felt certain that if I walked over to the play area, someone would be having anal sex. Possibly lots of someones.

“I’ll just have to take your word on that. I don’t see me ever craving it.”

“Trust me,” I said. “I wouldn’t lie to you, especially about something this big.”

“It’s Daniel’s something big I’m worried about,” she said, half joking.

“You’ll be fine,” I said. “Matter of fact, call me in the morning and tell me how right I was.”

“It makes me feel better hearing that from you. It’s not like I don’t trust Daniel. It’s just I’ve never had anyone take me there before. You know?”

“Yes. My first time was actually when we were out of town as well.” I thought back to the Super Bowl weekend years ago, when we’d just gotten together and his cousin, Jackson, played pro ball. “I was scared to death, but he took it slow, making sure I got pleasure out of it, and to be honest, it was rather sweet.”

“Sweet? I don’t know if I believe that.”

“It hurt a bit, too. Even with the preparation.”

“That I believe.”

“You ready?” Daniel asked, coming beside Julie and putting his arm around her waist.

“Yes, Master.” She looked up at him with trusting eyes and I knew everything was going to be all right.

“See you later, Nathaniel. Abby,” Daniel said as they walked away.

“Follow me,” Nathaniel said after they left.

He led me away from the dance floor and over to the playing end of the courtyard. I froze momentarily when we made it to the spot between the two groups. I couldn’t look at just one scene. There were too many and I wanted to watch them all.

From what I could see, there were at least five couples in the middle of play that I saw from where we stood. One man was talking with another while a naked woman knelt at his feet giving him a blow job. The two men Julie and I had danced with were taking turns flogging a blond woman. I watched them for a bit. I’d seen a few threesomes play before, but I’d never witnessed tag team flogging. I imagined it felt pretty good from the breathy moans coming from the woman.

“That looks intense,” I whispered to Nathaniel, and was going to ask him if he’d done anything like it, but his expression stopped me cold.

He was watching the threesome as well, but he looked shocked. No, it wasn’t shock, it looked more like guilt. Which didn’t make any sense. Why would he feel guilty over a flogging scene? I looked at the two men again, but they appeared to know what they were doing and the blonde didn’t seem to be in pain. Quite the opposite actually.

“Master?” I asked. “Is everything okay? Do you know them?”

He startled and glanced down at me. “No, not at all. I was just thinking.”

“About what?” Whatever it was looked too serious for a party.

“About where the best place to fuck you would be.”

He spoke it a bit too quickly, but I didn’t call him on it. I highly doubted he was thinking of places to have sex with that look on his face. I didn’t want to dwell on it, so I hooked a finger through his belt loop and pulled his hips to me.

“What did you decide on, Master? I’m here to serve you in any way I can.”

He nodded to his left. “I want you facing that wall. Naked.”

Yes! Finally!

I shoved his odd expression even farther back in my mind and focused on the fact that we were finally going to do what I’d been wanting for so long. What I’d been fantasizing about.

I moved with seductive strides to the wall he’d indicated. Halfway there, I peeked over my shoulder to see if he was following. He was, but his head was turned so he could keep his eyes on the threesome.

He caught me staring and I swore he looked guilty again. But just for a split second. His countenance changed and he spoke in a low voice. “Keep going.”

I wasn’t sure what his obsession with the threesome was, but I wasn’t going to let it keep me from enjoying myself. Especially since he wasn’t sharing what was going on. I walked the rest of the way to the wall and turned to wait for him.

I’m not vain, but I knew I’d attracted some attention and there were several men watching me. At least I had someone’s undivided attention. I unbuttoned my shirt and was down to my bra by the time Nathaniel made it to me.

He stood in front of me and I undid the clasp at my back. “Will I be enough to keep your attention, Master?” It was a bit bratty, but his focus on the threesome irked me.

“Maybe,” he said. “You got anything under that bra that can keep me interested?”

“Just these.” I slid the bra off my shoulders.

His dark, lust-filled eyes were all the encouragement I needed. His and the handful of other men watching.

I felt excitement flutter in my belly and once more it was as if I was playacting. Almost like a role play. I lifted my hands to cup my breasts. “Will these work, Master?”

“I don’t know. Pinch them. Hard.”

I rolled my nipples between my thumb and forefinger before giving them a pinch.

“Did it hurt?” he asked.

“No, Master.”

“Then you didn’t do it hard enough. Do it again. Make it hurt.”

Normally, I’d obey, but I wanted to make sure I had his entire focus. “If it pleases you, Master, I’d like for you to do it.”

He didn’t hesitate, but sprang forward, pushing my back against the wall and palming my breasts with rough hands. His lips crushed mine.

He pull

ed back long enough to ask, “Are you sure this is what you want?” and I was pretty sure he wasn’t talking about the way he pinched my nipples.

I rolled my pelvis against his. “Yes, Master. I want them all to see you take me.”

“I bet you do.” He fumbled with the button on his pants. “I bet
