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Closing my eyes, I fade to black within minutes. He’s back, we’re gonna be okay.

“WAKE UP, BEAUTIFUL.” I OPEN my eyes, my head is heavy with pounding pulses making me feel like I was hit by a truck. Flipping over slowly, I look up into sea blue eyes.

“My girl slept all night.” I look around in a panic, looking for my phone to check the time. What does he mean I slept all night?

“Where’s my phone? What time is it?” I ask in a rush, my arms flailing around and hands lifting all the blankets.

“Hey, calm down, it’s only nine and you have the day off.”

I shoot him a look. No, I don’t.

“Actually, you have the next four days off and only…” He lifts his wrist up to check his watch. I take note that he’s fully dressed in a fitted white tee and distressed blue jeans that hug his strong thighs. “Two hours to get your sexy ass out of bed and start packing.” Okay, this is a dream, what’s he talking about? I have work and as much as I’d love to stay and play his weird mind game, I need to get ready.

“All right, funny joke, but my head is pounding from too much sleep and we both have work, so up we go.” Tossing my tan legs over the side of the bed, I slide slightly until my feet hit the wood floor. I feel his strong arms wrap around my waist and when I’m fully standing he yanks me back down. Maneuvering us so one of his legs is over mine, holding me down in my place.

“No joke, we are heading to California for four days of us time—no work, no Mom, nothing to bother us.” He smiles down at me, sweeping my hair off my face. When in the world did he have time to do this?

“Why? I mean I’m happy, but why?” I ask, my brows furrowing and my hand drawing absent designs on his bicep.

“We need to reconnect—find us again and remember why we started this thing.” His eyes travel down to my chest where he places his hand just above my heart. “I need you to let me back in here, baby.” My heart rate kicks into overdrive, so hard he has to feel it pounding.

“You never left it, Trey.” I smile up at him. He grins, showing his dimples.

“Thank you, I agree we need this,” I say, placing my hand over his, a warm sensation filling my body at the thought of reconnecting.

“Now, get this sexy ass up and moving, flight leaves at noon.” I get up and shriek when he slaps my ass before lying back on the bed. His legs crossed at the ankles and his head resting on his arms, aiding as a pillow. I’m so lost in getting packed and running around the room that I almost forget the most important question.

“Oh my God! What about Lana, did you tell her? I feel bad leaving her at the store by herself. And what about your studio?” I stop what I’m doing, a handful of underwear in one hand and bras in the other. My hair is up in a messy bun, I feel little strands brushing across my face, I must look a hot mess in workout pants and an off-the-shoulder tee. He laughs, standing.

“You think I didn’t take care of that?” He comes to stand in front of me. Looking up at his much taller frame, I limply shrug my shoulders and blow an errant hair out of my face.

“I don’t know.”

“Yes, I took care of it all. Now hurry and pack those panties and throw in some sexy shit, like that garter belt you have. I have plans that involve you, those stockings, and a fucking table.” That’s the last thing he says before he exits the bedroom.

Toes curling at the thought of him taking me in any way at this point. I think I have the female version of blue balls. I want all his glorious nine inches in me, making me deliciously sore.

Shit! Back to packing!

“Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts as we make our way into San Diego. It’s seventy-five degrees and sunny with blue skies. We thank you for flying with us and hope you enjoy your stay here in sunny San Diego.”

“Where are we staying?” I ask, my head on Trey’s shoulder while he drums a rhythm with his thumb on my inner thigh. He’s looking down the aisle before turning his attention to me.

“It’s a surprise, but you’re gonna love it.” He continues the same drumming rhythm on my thigh, his knee bobbing up and down. He seems nervous; he has never been good at handling surprises.

“You okay?” I ask, kissing the point of his shoulder. He’s wearing my favorite cologne and it mingles with the fresh scent of his aftershave. I take a long, subtle breath in and smile.

“Yeah, just been thinking about Dad today. I got the money from his will.” The plane shakes a little as the wheels drop down to prepare for landing.

“Oh yeah?” I ask.

“He left me more than I needed—like a ton.” He lowers his voice so those around us can’t hear. “He left me seventeen.” I know what he means. Not thousands but millions. Pops was a very wealthy entrepreneur.

“Wow…” That’s a crap-ton of money. More than what Trey needs for sure. Trey’s really making a name for himself in this producing world.


nbsp; “I’ve been thinking of giving half of it to Kathy. She got twelve, but she doesn’t work.” He shrugs. “Besides, I make a pretty good living on my own, so I don’t need that much. I might give her a bit more then put the rest of the money away for our kids.”
