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So, how about we start now? She asked.


She smiled. Why not?

You’re right. I said I was in and I am. I’m game if you are.

Brannick rose from the table, and laid a couple of twenties down to cover the drinks and extra for the tip.

When she headed toward the door, he followed and his hand automatically went to the small of her back, something he would have done had they been dating.

He immediately withdrew it, but not before he heard her gasp.

When she paused in her steps, he murmured over shoulder. “Sorry, Juliet. Force of habit. Won’t happen again.”

She didn’t look at him, or even say anything to him in response, but continued on a path to the door.

The one, small physical connection was unfortunate, however, because at least a dozen images whipped through his head of the various times he’d touched her in just that way, a hand to the small of her back, in the dreamglide.

So, what exactly had he gotten himself into?


The moment Brannick had touched her back, a shiver raced up Juliet’s spine. She could still feel the warm pressure even though he’d quickly taken his hand away.

As she passed by the couples dancing, a profound sensation of regret tightened her stomach.

The past week had been difficult because of a lost relationship with Brann, and his sudden touch had reminded her of what she’d been missing.

Despite the grief she felt on a personal level, the new business-like relationship she’d just established with the vampire gave her a feeling of hope, something that hadn’t been part of her life since she’d arrived in Five Bridges. There would no doubt be more difficult moments ahead, but she was willing to endure them for the plan she’d set in motion.

Once outside, she levitated straight up into the air, wrapped herself up in her new vampire shield, then headed due west toward Revel Territory. Brannick flew beside her, on her left, but hadn’t said anything more to her after his apology.

At the same time, she marveled how they could see each other. But this was one critical aspect of the vampire shielding ability, that vampires could see one another, even when shielded. Other species couldn’t.

Within a few minutes, she reached Agnes’s compound, landing at the checkpoint outside the main entrance.

The security detail moved swiftly into position, sidearms drawn, until the squad leader gave the order to stand down.

Juliet led Brannick immediately back to the cottage without stopping to talk to Agnes. The sage fae had already given her permission for Brannick to come and go as he pleased.

Since she’d be with Brannick in the dreamgliding world, their physical bodies would need to be secure. She thought about taking him upstairs to lie down on the bed, but she knew it would be a big mistake. She’d barely gotten used to being alone in that bed and didn’t want to start the process all over again.

The past week hadn’t softened her desire for Brannick. She felt locked into a connection that she doubted time could ever change.

No, her situation with him would never be about ‘time healing all wounds’ but about learning to adjust to being around Brannick as only a friend.

Therefore the bedroom was definitely off-limits which meant the small living room to the right of the entrance would have to do.

A cottage-like sofa in a light blue chenille sat against the far wall. Brannick was so big, he would almost take up the whole thing, which meant she’d be physically close to him throughout the dreamglide. Not a bad thing for a mission,

but really hard on her heart.

She sat down first and patted the seat next to her.

Brannick frowned slightly, but didn’t challenge her choice. She was glad for that. The less they talked about their relationship, the better.

Once seated, he said, “As I recall from last time, I focused on the dreamglide and followed you in.”
