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She ran for her daddy and I went into the bathroom. After I washed my face and brushed my teeth, I walked back into of the bedroom and noticed that neither Jaquan or China were in the bedroom. I walked over to my phone and called Monae. It was now going on seven in the morning, so I knew she probably was still in the bed, but I needed to make sure she was still coming to help me decorate.

“What, Charlie? I know this isn’t no one but you calling me this early in the damn morning,” she groaned into the phone.

I chuckled. “I wanted to make sure you were still coming, Monae. Remember I told you to be here by 8” I said into the phone.

“I know that! I had an alarm set already, damn,” she said into the phone with an attitude.

“Okay then, sis, I’ll see you when you get here,” I said and then hung up the phone.

Next, I decided to call Toya to make sure her on the go ass was still coming to the party.

“Hello?” She answered the phone sounding wide awake.

“What are you doing and why you up so early?” I asked her.

“You know I go running every morning. I know why you calling me and I’ll be there, but I might be a little bit late because I have to show a house at one, and then I’ll be on the way” she said and I nodded my head.

“Okay, I’ll see you then,” I said. I was about to hang up the phone, but she stopped me.

“Wait, Charlie. Umm, is Diandre going to be there?”

I smirked. Damn, my best friend was really feeling Dre, even though she didn’t want to admit it.

“Yes, he’s going to be here. Why?” I asked her, hoping she would tell me what was up.

“Nothing, I was just asking,” she said.

I knew that it was more to that, she just didn’t want to tell me.

“Well, he’ll be here, Toya, and you make sure you have your ass here too. I’ll stop fuckin’ with your ass for not coming to my baby’s party,” I said seriously.

She laughed on her side of the phone. “Charlie, shut the hell up, girl. I said I was coming, now bye.”

I could still hear her laughing as she hung up the phone.

I went to go take a shower and throw on something comfortable so that I could get started with the decorations. The party was set to start at two, and there was a lot of shit that needed to be handled so that my baby could have the best birthday party ever.


It was now going on three o’clock, and I was just leaving from showing three houses to a couple who was expecting. They were preferably looking for a four-bedroom house, with three baths, pool, big yard, anything that was kid friendly. It was kind of frustrating because all three of the houses were a little more than twenty minutes apart, so after showing them the third house, they concluded that they would rather stick with the first house I showed them, which resulted in us having to drive all the way back to the first house.

I was a little annoyed at first because I thought that they were playing games, but in the end, it all worked out because I had just finished selling a house that was going for $229,000. After finishing up some last minute paperwork, the couple and I decided that we would meet back up on Monday morning to proceed with any last minute things.

Since I knew Diandre was going to be there, I decided to swing by my house right quick so that I could change. I didn’t want to be the only one there in work clothes, plus I wanted to look good for him. I think that he was seriously done with fuckin’ with me because he hadn’t been calling or texting me like he would usually do, and he hasn’t been back down to my office. I hate to admit it, but I kind of missed having him around. I didn’t think that me not being ready to be in a relationship would piss him off, but clearly it had, and because of it, he wasn’t fuckin’ with me.

When I got to the party, I had plans to tell him that I was indeed feeling him and that I was just scared of getting hurt. A blind man could tell that I was feeling this man, I was just terrified of putting my heart on the line for him only for him to turn around and break it. A part of me knew that he would be the perfect man for me, even though he was kind of rough around the edges, but honestly, I think that he’s the only man that could handle someone like me. From day one, I could tell that my attitude didn’t scare him off because he kept on pursuing me. I was going to make him my man today, I just hope that he hasn’t changed his mind so soon.

I pulled up to my house, got out of my jeep, and walked inside. I stayed in a nice three bedroom, two bathroom condo, with just myself and my little Yorkie dog, Prada. Yes, I was the definition of a real lonely bitch because my dog was the one I snuggled up with at night, instead of a man. I had three bedrooms because I wanted all three of the closets for the many clothes, shoes, and purses that I owned.

I kicked off my shoes and Prada came running in my direction, jumping up with her paws out, trying to get me to pick her up. I put my shoes off to the side and squatted down to play with her.

“Hey, mama’s baby. You missed me?” I asked, rubbing her head as she turned her head from side to side.

I stood up and made a dash for the closet in my room so that I could find something to wear, and Prada was right on my heels. I walked in my closet and went toward the white section of my jeans and pulled out a pair of high waist, white skinny jeans from diesel that still had the tag on them. Next, I went over to my shirt section and pulled out a denim green baby tee and a pair of gold sandals from Steve Madden.

I laid the clothes and accessories out on the bed and took a quick shower. When I finished, I unwrapped my hair, parted it back down the middle and let it flow down my back. I applied only a little bit of makeup and then went back into my room to get ready. I lotioned my body and only threw on a thong, since the shirt I was wearing didn’t need a bra.

When I finished getting dressed, I switched purses, which was my Louis Vuitton purse that I would wrap around me. I closed my room door because Prada was in there lying on her doggie bed. I had to make two trips from my condo to the car because I had to pick up the gifts that I had sitting on the counter for China. Finally, I was in of my car and on the way to the party.

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