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“Thanks. I’ll walk around a bit more.”

I tilt my head down to kiss her cheek, just as she shifts to climb inside, and my lips land near her earlobe. I kiss her there, then trace my mouth to where a regular kiss should land. She lets out a sound so delicious, I barely keep myself from pinning her against the car and capturing her mouth.

Summer kisses my cheek too, a peck so quick I barely feel it. She avoids my gaze as she lowers herself into the back seat, and I close her door.

As I head toward the ferry building, I catch myself almost jogging, and slow down, smiling, Summer’s voice popping into my mind. Step one to enjoying a walk: move sloooow.

I laugh, measuring my steps, wondering if Summer would approve of the pace.

Chapter Six


I crumple the sheet of paper, tossing it in the pile of discarded, scrunched sheets in the middle of my living room. In the winter, I toss them directly into the brick fireplace.

Rainy Sundays like today are perfect for painting, but my creative juices aren’t cooperating. Possibly because I have other things on my mind. I read a disturbing article this morning. The ongoing Amy-Alex narrative took a nasty turn. Now the tabloids want to paint him as a cheater, and I hope to God our kiss on Friday didn’t have anything to do with it.

I’m about to start with a blank sheet when my phone buzzes. Glancing at it, I see St. Anne’s on the screen and immediately answer.

“Hey, Shawna. What’s up?” I stand, rolling my shoulders and swinging my hips from one side to the other. I’ve been kneeling in front of my coffee table, bending over it long enough for my body to stiffen.

“Hey, Summer! How’s everything going? Busy bee as usual?”

“You know me.”

“Listen, I wanted to talk to you about the camp.”

I’m helping her organize a camp for the kids at Lake Tahoe. It starts right after the kids finish the school year.

“It’s a huge favor. They loved having Alex here. Loved it. Do you think he’d be open to stopping by the camp at Lake Tahoe and showing the kids some more stunt tricks? Or maybe even short acting classes?”

“I don’t know his schedule, and the lake is hours away.” I rub the stiff side of my neck, my wheels spinning.

“He’s welcome to stay at the resort with us, of course, but I imagine he’s too busy for that.”

“I imagine that too.”

“But will you ask him?”

“Seems like a lot to ask. I don’t want to put him in an uncomfortable position.”

“How close are you to him?”

What a loaded question after that amazeballs kiss. I’m still reeling from it, two days later.

“Not very close, but I’ll talk to him.”

“Thank you, Summer. You’re... I can’t tell you how grateful I am for everything you’re doing.”

“Oh stop, Shawna. You’re making me blush. Or are you just buttering me up so I don’t give up until I get some sort of promise out of Alex?”

“Shucks, I’m that transparent, huh?”

“Just a tiny bit. I’ll talk to him and let you know what he says.”

“Thanks, Summer.”

After clicking off, I decide to try Alex right away. He doesn’t answer his phone, though, so I return to my painting process, facing the blank sheet again. An idea strikes me, and I sketch two crossing, undulating lines in pencil. My phone buzzes before I manage to start the third line. Alex.
