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Chapter Twenty

For a split second, Faye had wanted to tell whoever was at the door to bugger off. Time alone with Grant was a rare thing, and she wanted to enjoy it before the next emergency or piece of information came in.

Then it opened to show her mum and Grant’s, and her irritation melted away. Gillian’s eyes darted around and she looked about ready to bolt.

While it was hard for Faye to understand the female’s personality since it was so different from her own, she was going to try her hardest. If there was one thing the MacKenzies had started doing well recently, it was healing individuals and families to make them whole. Faye wanted the same for Grant’s mum and brother.

Standing, Faye took a cautious step toward the two older dragonwomen. With a wave, Faye said, “Hello. You must be Mrs. McFarland. I’m Faye.”

Grant’s mum’s voice was low when she replied, “Call me Gillian.”

Lorna patted Gillian’s arm and gently nudged her inside the room. “I found Gillian near the surgery’s entrance. We decided to come check on Grant together.”

Gillian’s gaze moved to Grant on the bed. After taking a deep breath, she crossed the room to her son. Grant spoke before his mother. “I’m okay, Mum. I won against the bomb.”

If it had been Faye’s mother, she would’ve tsked and taken him to task for treating the situation lightly. However, Gillian merely placed a hand on Grant’s forehead and whispered, “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

Lorna motioned toward the door with her head. She wanted to give the pair privacy.

Since being in a strange place with two strangers had to be tasking for Grant’s mum, Faye took a step toward her mother. “I’m going to check on the nurse, Grant. We’ll be back soon.”

Before Grant could say anything, Faye and Lorna stepped into the corridor. As soon as she closed the door, Faye whispered, “I need you to do something for me, Mum. If Grant’s to be my mate, we need to get along with his family. It might take some coaxing, but few can resist your dinner invitations.”

Lorna didn’t bat an eyelash at her casual reference to mating. “Aye, and you want me to invite Gillian? Well, you should know me by now, child. I already did.”

Faye blinked. “What?”

“I already knew Grant was going to become part of the family, even when you were being stubborn about it. There are a few more spots at the dinner table. Gillian and Chase McFarland should join us as often as possible. You know how I like a full house.”

Her mother was too bloody perceptive. “You do remember how you kept hinting for me to leave, aye? Is Ross boring you already?”

Lorna clicked her tongue. “Ross is bloody perfect. As long as we have our nights alone, the house can be full the rest of the time.”

Not wanting to reference her mother’s sex life, Faye steered the conversation back to the original subject. “Just make sure Fergus and Fraser behave themselves. A flying dinner roll or being hit with a spoonful of potatoes will probably scare Grant’s mum to death. She’ll never come back then.”

“You have so little faith in me. I already have plans, which include the help of Fergus and Fraser’s mates. With my boys grown, those females have better ways of persuading them.”


“What? You don’t think Ross does some ‘persuading’ of his own?”

“No, no, no. I don’t need to hear about you and Ross.”

Lorna shrugged. “You’ll be my age one day. At any rate, I’m going to fetch the nurse. Gillian might be able to handle just you at first. You might take after me and be strong-willed, but you’re young. She might see you as a daughter and feel less threatened. I have a tendency to overwhelm people.”

“You just admitted to being too over the top,” Faye drawled.

“Hush, child. I call it being enthusiastic. Now, go and get to know your future in-law.”

Faye waited for her mother to take off before she rapped gently on the door.


As Grant’s mother stroked his forehead, it brought back memories of his childhood. One time in particular he’d fallen severely ill and his mum had stayed by his side night and day until he’d recovered.

Since he knew it’d taken a lot of effort for her to come, he stated, “Thanks for coming, Mum.”

“You’re worth all the fuss, Grant. I’m just glad you came out mostly unharmed. Are you finally going to give up being a Protector now?”
