Page 58 of Keeping Score

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I tugged on his arm, pulling him away from an awestruck Hunter.

“What’s wrong?”

I spoke softly. “Balance. He needs some balance. He can’t go from having nothing to having everything.”

“I just want him to be happy. His life has sucked for so long.”

“I know it has.” I wanted to reach up and wrap my arms around his neck and draw his lips to mine. I was melting on the spot. Did he have any idea how adorable he was being? “But you have to act like a parent, not an uncle. There’s a difference.”

“Shit,” he muttered. “Ok. Got it.”

He walked back over to Hunter. “Bud, listen. Pick your favorite five. That’s all we can get today.”

Hawk looked at me for approval. I let a giggle slip. “Five?”

He shrugged. I realized it was going to take a while for any of us to have balance.

Hunter fell asleep on the way home from the mall. The day took its toll on him, and he couldn’t keep his eyes open any more. He looked peaceful and relaxed sleeping in the backseat. It was hard to imagine anyone not wanting to love him.

“Thank you.” I broke the silence in the car. Hawk glanced over at me like I had grown two heads or something.

“For what?” he asked, looking back to the road.

“For taking a chance on him and looking past the outside.”

I could tell he didn’t know what to say or how to respond to that comment so he changed the subject.

“Yeah, so I have practice tonight. I don’t know when I’ll be home.”

“What? But it’s his first night here. I mean his first official night,” I blurted out.

“It’s the playoffs, baby. I don’t have a choice.”

I crossed my arms. “So I’m just in charge of dinner and getting him to bed and all of that?”

“I thought you liked all that shit.”

I glared at him. “I do, but you’re the one who wanted to adopt him. Do you really know what that means?” I tried to keep my voice low in case the child woke up. I didn’t want to hear us argue about him.

“I don’t know what any of it means.” His words shocked me at first, but I realized how honest he was being with me. “That’s why I need you.”

I nodded. We had to be a team on this. We had to work together.

“I’ve got tonight.”

“Thank you.”

He parked the car in his secure spot and walked to the back to carry Hunter inside. I watched as he carefully lifted him into his arms. Hawk looked strong and caring. I sighed. This man had completely turned my life upside down.



By the tim

e I walked into the loft it was late. Practice had been light, but the meeting afterward gave me a damn headache. The coaches wanted to run through every possible play. Some we’d never discussed before. Tomorrow was going to be killer.

The lights were dim except for the fireplace.
