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“Right, of course,” he nodded. “Anyway, we need to talk to you about something,” Trace explained as I took the seat beside Lily. Before she could question him, he continued, “We need to move the ceremony up…do you think you can have something ready in three days?”

“Three days?” She gasped, startled. “Trace, are you crazy? Three weeks is pushing it. Three days is impossible.”

“Make it happen.”

Her mouth gaped open.

“Mom, he doesn’t have much time and Gramps wants to be there. Move it up. I know you can put together a beautiful wedding for us,” he reached for me and took my hand. “The whole family needs to be there.”

Rubbing her face, she eyed each of us tiredly. “You two better love me a lot.” I knew asking Lily to plan a wedding so quickly was unfair, especially with Gramps in the hospital, but it needed to be done.

“Thanks, mom,” Trace hugged her tightly. “You’re the best mom anyone could have,” he planted a loud kiss on her cheek. “Now, can you do me another favor and take Olivia home and go home yourself? I’ll stay with Gramps.”

“Are you sure?” She asked. “You have to be tired from your flight.”

“I’m fine,” he assured her. “If I go home all I’ll do is worry and keep Olivia awake.”

“Okay,” she stood and hugged him. “Call me if you need anything. I’ll be here as quick as I can.”

I kissed Trace goodbye and followed Lily outside. We were both quiet as she drove me to the apartment, but when we reached the parking lot and she parked, she said, “Promise me you’ll be there for him through this. Since Trey died, Gramps has been like a father to Trace. I’m worried about how he’ll react. He needs you.”

“I’ll be there for him, no matter what,” I promised, even though I wasn’t sure I could do it.

“Thank you,” she patted my cheek.

I dug the key to the apartment out of my purse and grabbed our bags from the trunk, hobbling up the steps.

When I opened the door, a streak of black ran at me, knocking me to the ground.

A long pink tongue flicked out and swiped over my cheek. “Ace!” I cried in delight. “I missed you, buddy!” I hadn’t been expecting Ace to be here, but sweet Trent had brought him home since he knew we were back. He was getting a big hug for this. Now, I didn’t have to be at home alone and I had my fur baby to comfort me. After Ace had thoroughly licked my face, he looked over my shoulder for Trace. “Sorry, Ace, but daddy isn’t home yet,” I scratched his ears. It’s just you and me tonight. Are you going to keep me safe?”

At my words the large lab ran over to his basket of dog toys, grabbed his Jabba the Hutt squeaker toy, and ran into the bedroom. A second later I heard the thump as he jumped on the bed.

Shaking my head, I got to my feet, and carried the bags into the room.

After a quick shower I climbed into the bed. Suddenly, I was exhausted. I’d been running on adrenaline since the moment we got the phone call and the day’s events had finally caught up with me. Curling my body against Ace’s, I promptly fell asleep.

A banging on the front door had me sitting up and instantly alert.

“What the hell?” I groaned, looking at the clock. It was after nine in the morning, but after everything I’d been through yesterday, I wanted to sleep till noon.

I grabbed a jacket and tugged it on as I headed to the door. I opened it to find Avery standing there, her hair blowing in a slight breeze with sunglasses holding the long strands back, and there was a huge smile on her face.

“I missed you!” She hugged me.

“I missed you too,” I hugged her back, a bit surprised by her exuberance since she’d been such a downer before we left. She stepped away from me and I took a moment to study her. Her hair was more vibrant and her skin had a rosy hue.

“You seem…happy,” I commented as I closed the door.

“Luca and I are back together,” she beamed. “We had a heart to heart, and I told him that I couldn’t live without him. He’s it for me, Livie. I was being stubborn and fighting what I felt for him. But I realized that he and I…we’re perfect for each other.”

I rolled my eyes. I’d known that since the moment they met each other. I couldn’t believe it had taken her three years to figure that out.

My eyes landed on the shirt she was wearing and I began to laugh.

“What? You don’t like it?” She plucked at the red garment.

“It’s very you.” I’m the Maid of Honor B*tch, I read the shirt over again.
