Page 124 of Samantha (Barrett 2)

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"I'm protective. I want you safe." He cupped her face between his palms. "Don't endanger yourself again."

"I won't." She gazed up at him and sighed. "You're going to be a terribly domineering husband, aren't you?"

"I think you'll manage to keep me in my place. Samantha . . ." Rem's tone turned sober. "You have a loving heart and a vibrant spirit. I never want to squelch either. But remember what I said about disenchantment being inevitable?"

r />

"I remember."

"Not everyone in the world is a fine, decent human being. You'll meet very few worthwhile sorts in that particular section of Shadwell."

"I met Cynthia."

Rem groaned, rolling his eyes to the heavens. "I give up. I'll just have to follow my first impulse and keep you in bed throughout your waking hours."

"You'll get no argument from me there, my lord." Sammy's smile was beatific. "So you see? I really am quite biddable when your demands are sound." Her loving taunt triggered a thought in her own mind. "Speaking of which, I had a messenger take Stephen's necklace to him at Anders Shipping this afternoon. So that makes two of your demands I obeyed."

"Samantha." Rein's jaw went taut, his expression dark. "I don't want you anywhere near Viscount Anders, is that clear?"

"Rem," Sammy sighed, "I've told you I feel absolutely nothing for Stephen—"

"I don't trust the man. He's scum. Stay away from him."

Taken aback by Rem's lethal tone, Sammy nodded. "All right."

"I'm sorry, imp." Rem softened, tenderly tracing the smooth curve of her cheek with his knuckles. "I just want to take care of you, to keep you from getting hurt." He raised her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. "I want you to promise me something."


"Promise me that no matter what events might occur, you'll tell me about them. Even if you don't want to alarm me." He swallowed. "Even if they're dangerous."

"Like when those ruffians followed me in Shadwell?"

"Precisely. Or any other situation that might cause you harm or pain. Promise me. It's the only way I can keep you safe."

"I promise." Sammy kept her gaze fixed on his. "But I want you to make the same vow."


"I'm pledging myself to you, Rem, as your soon-to-be wife. Now I want the same pledge from you."

Rem's lips twitched. "Do you anticipate rescuing me from danger?"


"Very well." Seeing how serious she was, Rem sobered. "I offer you the same vow."

"You'll tell me of anything that threatens you with harm or pain?"

"I will."

"Good." Sammy readied herself for the battle that would momentarily ensue. "Tell me about your past."

Rem started. "My past?"

"Yes, the years before I met you."

"Women, you mean?" Rem kissed the tip of her earnest nose. "I told you, imp, you have no competition. My feelings for you are unique. I have no intention of going to any other woman's bed—"
