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10:34 P.M.

“Don’t spark that shit in here, nigga. Normani gon’ bitch,” Billion told me.

I sat and laughed at this husband ass nigga! Never in my fuckin’ life did I think that this crazy ass nigga would tie the knot with somebody’s daughter. For him to have done it so soon was an even bigger shock. I swear I didn’t believe him when he told me the news a couple of months ago, but when he showed me the wedding pictures, and I saw the marriage certificate, I knew then that he wasn’t lying.

As shocked as I was about him getting married, I had to admit that I was happy for him. I was at a point in my life where I craved the married life more than I did the single life. I would make the perfect man right now for somebody. All I needed was for Twinkle to ride this shit out with me and allow me to tie my loose strings up in the streets, but she ain’t want to. I was out now; I wasn’t hustling no more, and these days, I was trying to slowly transition to the legal side of things and open a few businesses.

I won’t act like Twinkle just left because she couldn’t wait for me any longer to get out of the game because I think we all know that it is much deeper than that. I’ll love that woman forever, man, but if happy for her was with that nigga, then I gotta just let her stay there. I knew she was done with a nigga for good because she mailed the keys to the home I had built for us to my mama’s house. Even after I told her she could keep the home, she could change all the locks, that way she wouldn’t have to worry about me trying to pop up, but I guess she ain’t even want to do that. Shorty ain’t want no attachments with a nigga, so I had no choice but to accept it.

I ain’t even think about it in the way of me losing so much money, although I did invest a lot of money to have that house built. I just took it as shorty was really done with me, and I was probably going to just sell the house. There was no use in keeping the shit when I had that home built solely for me to live in with my family.

I don’t know if this was me showing maturity by not hopping on a flight and beating that NBA nigga’s ass or what, but I knew the old Monterius would have killed a nigga for even looking at my girl. I guess I just thought about the pain and shit that I’d caused her over the years, and this was just the part where I would bow out.

Now that it was confirmed that Tegan belonged to me, I knew this was something that Twinkle would hold over my head for the rest of my life. She would never get over my having a daughter, although she may forgive me for it later on down the line. I sit and think about the times that Twinkle would throw up bitches in my face that I would fuck around on her with in the past. She did that out of hurt and her not even fully being over the situation, so can you imagine what she’ll do about me having a child? Nah. As much as I loved her, I guess I was cool with the separation.

“You let that little ass woman run you,” I joked, and then I put the lighter back in my pocket, wanting to respect his wishes.

We were in the little office he had, and I was sitting on the couch in there while he was sitting at his office chair, facing his desktop. He was showing me before and after pictures of a couple of the homes that he was in the process of flipping. The way he explained those houses, talked about conditions, talked about the market and shit that came with home buying, it hit me that Billion was really into this shit. He was talking to me like it was years ago, and he was explaining about some drugs we would push. I could hear it in his voice that he knew what he was talking about, and I heard the hunger as well.

“She don’t run me. You foolish ass niggas going to learn one day that these women know what they talking about. Half the time, we may not care to hear the shit that they be spitting, but they ain’t all that bad. She works a nigga fuckin’ nerves sometimes, but she aight. Never in a million years did I think that I would listen to a woman telling me that I couldn’t smoke weed in my own fuckin’ house. Yo, Normani don’t play that shit. She makes me smoke that shit on the porch or on the balcony,” Billion said.

“Shit, niggas be needing that. When I got with Twinkle, we were young. She ain’t really put her foot down on a nigga until after a couple of years of us being together. Because of that, it kind of reminded me of a mama who never had fuckin’ rules, but now, all of a sudden, you want to give a nigga a curfew on when to come in the house. With that being said, I ain’t listen. I took shorty for granted for so many years, and look where that landed me,” I responded.

I wanted to hit this fuckin’ joint so bad because I could tell we were about to get into a deep conversation, and I just needed something to calm and relax me.

“I ain’t ever think that I would see the day when the two of you weren’t together. You a father now, so a lot of times, it’s going to be situations where you gotta ask yourself if it would be okay for another nigga to come around and do the shit to your daughter that you do to women. Years from now, if Tegan is old enough to date, and she comes to you crying, telling you that her boyfriend got another woman pregnant, I know you would tell her that she needs to tell her nigga to step! I would do the same thing to Khari.

“Monterius, you my nigga, damn near my brother, and I vouched for you for years. But the second I found out that you stepped out and put Twink in a fucked up situation like that, I knew then that it was time for her to move on. Who knows, maybe years from now, she will forgive you for that shit, but right now, you gotta let her go. Let that woman live her life and be happy.

“I saw Twinkle the other day, and it was the first time in a while that I actually saw her this happy. I can’t tell you if it’s that nigga that’s making her smile, but what I do know is she just bought a home for her and Dream, she just got her space for her shop, and I have my men in there remodeling it for her. You have a beautiful little girl. Worry about her,” Billion told me.

I nodded my head when he finished because he was right.

“How did it go when you had to bring Tegan and Trinity home from the hospital?” he asked.

I thought about his question for a few moments. I got over to Trinity’s house a little after eleven this morning, and I didn’t leave until about 9:30 tonight.

“I don’t know if in a matter of three days this mother shit has knocked some common sense into Trinity or what, but the whole time I was over there, we ain’t argue about shit. My mama had a talk with the two of us earlier today at the hospital, so maybe that kicked in for us too.

“When we got to her house, I let her rest, and Tegan stayed out front with me. I changed my first shitty ass diaper today, and I want to say that the shit to

ok me at least fifteen minutes. By the time Trinity got her a nap in, she came in like super mommy. She breastfed Tegan, changed her diaper again, doing the shit much faster than what I’d done, and just that fast, she had her fast asleep again. I can’t even knock her and say that she isn’t a good mother because she is. I had so many chances to leave, but I didn’t. I ended up ordering some Chinese food for us, and we watched a few movies,” I said.

“Sounds like you falling for your baby mama, nigga,” he joked.

“Nah, never that. We already agreed that we’re going to keep it strictly about Tegan,” I told him.

He didn’t respond, but I did glance at his computer when he opened a new tab. Right there on the Yahoo home screen, there was a news section. I saw the words, NBA star, Truth Harris, proposes to his high school sweetheart. Billion’s head was down because he was texting on his phone, so he hadn’t seen it, but I did. I jumped up with a quickness and clicked on the link. In seconds, a video played.

This was the game that came on last night, but I didn’t watch it. It was halftime, and the stands were quiet because people were more than likely trying to figure out what was going on. All of a sudden, I saw that nigga come out onto the floor, and he went toward Twinkle. I had to admit that she looked damn good sitting courtside. Already, she looked like an NBA player’s wife. She had more diamonds dripping on her body than I’ve ever seen on her in my life. That nigga had to have been lacing her in all that shit. I watched as he proposed, and she took about five seconds to say yes. When she did, the crowd went crazy. He picked her up, and they kissed.

“Sheesh,” was all I could say once I walked away from the desktop and took a seat back on the couch.

“You gotta let her go, bruh,” Billion told me.

“Trust me, I already did,” I announced.

If it was ever up in the air, whether or not Twinkle and I would get back together, it had just been confirmed that there was no longer any hope. She better hope like a motha fucka that the nigga does her right because on my daughter, I’d never look in her direction again after that shit.
