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For her part, Belle has kept her beautician’s license, but is in the process of hiring a manager. Because of that, she says she’ll be home more often and will cook for everyone and enjoy being what she has coined a domestic goddess. I don’t know what that is exactly, but she is definitely a goddess. I lean over to place my hand on her belly, her hand instantly covers mine, and we share a smile.

I don’t like the idea of her cooking that much and being on her feet. Luckily, we all agreed to have this dinner catered. We weren't going to have Mavis cook for her own party, and Belle has been a bit too tired. Guests are mingling around until the caterers begin bringing out the food. Half the people were only invited because of who Ryan is, but family and E-Z are here and that's what really matters.

The wait staff set the plates in the middle of the table, lifting away the silver cloches to reveal grilled lobster on toast hors d'oeuvres. Belle instantly puts her hand to her mouth, pushing her chair back. She goes completely pale as she makes a b-line for the bathroom. I get up to follow her, but Mavis puts a hand on my shoulder.

“I’ve got her,” she whispers.

Ryan is instantly at my side. He leans into me and growls.

"You need to get Belle to the doctor. She needs to go now. She's been sick for a month, and I don't like it," he says. His love for Belle has only grown and he’s very protective of her. I love that he’s like this. Belle never had a real father and I adore seeing his relationship with my wife grow. "I'm disappointed that you haven't been looking after her better. I had more faith in you Killian. Are you blind? Anyone can see that my daughter needs medical care."

I pinch the bridge of my nose, "My wife is fine. I just had her at the doctor last week."

"You did? So, I'm right, she's sick. I can't believe you didn't tell me. You know I love her, too—"

"Dad, calm down," I laugh, interrupting him, "Belle is fine. She's pregnant. It's morning sickness." Ryan opens his mouth to speak and then snaps it shut. He looks at me so stunned that I laugh. “You’re going to be a grandpa, old man. We were just waiting until after the engagement party before we shared our news. Belle wanted this weekend to be about you and Mavis.”

"That's wonderful, Killian," he practically whispers. He continues looking at me, his expression completely unreadable.

"Then, why don’t you look happy?" I ask, frowning at his strange reaction. He was the one that said he couldn't wait for grandkids to fill the house with laughter. He’s even been planning on teaching them how to cook Irish pasties for Sunday dinners like he did with me when I was little.

"It does, son. It does. It's just t…,” he stops, shaking his head.

"What?" I stare at him, wondering what's going on.

"You just called me dad. You haven't called me dad since you were a little kid."

“I can go back to calling you Ryan.”

"You do that, and I'll show you that this old man still have some fire left. You better keep calling me Dad because you can't give a gift like that and just take it away." He leans over and gives me a full-on bear hug.

"I love you, Dad," I find myself whispering as he hugs me. When he pulls away, I can see his eyes brimming with happy tears.

"My daughter-in-law is a miracle worker," he responds, clapping me on the back again.

I can't argue at all. Belle definitely has worked miracles for me. She’s brought so much good into my life that I can barely believe the changes myself. When she walks back into the room, I immediately go to her side. She leans into me, still a little shaky. Ryan clears his throat to get attention and clinks his glass with a knife. Then, he pulls Mavis to his side.

"I have an announcement, everyone," he calls out once the room quiets down. "My son and daughter-in-law have just given us the best wedding gift ever. They are making Mavis and I grandparents."

Everyone cheers as Belle leans even deeper into me. I capture her lips in a quick kiss amidst all the cheering.

"Thank you," she says softly in my ear when we break apart.

"For what, baby?"

"For giving me a family and a home but, most of all, for loving me, Killian." Her lips begin to tremble as she gives into emotion.

"It's me that should be thanking you, Belle." I admit as I lean down to kiss her again. “I never realized before how lonely I was before you came into my life. I’d be lost without you.”
