Page 25 of Dirty Distractions

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And the caveman arrives, right on schedule. She lifted a brow. Engaging him in sexually charged banter when there were witnesses wasn’t smart. Hell, when there weren’t witnesses it wasn’t smart either, at least until she came to terms with how she wanted to handle this situation. “I came here to see if one of your techs could go get my car. Is that possible?”

He walked around the counter and grabbed a set of keys off a hook. “I’ll go get your car. The waiting room’s empty.”

‘“We’re about to close—” one of the other mechanics interjected.

Brad silenced him with a look. “You’re off the hook, Masters, and not because it’s quitting time. I’ve got her. Get out of here.”

The guy immediately adopted a hangdog expression any puppy would envy. “Boss, I can stay. Was just saying.”

“It’s all right. I know Brit’s got a big night tonight. Piano recital, right?”

“Yeah. Her first. Her and her momma are about to burst.” The mechanic glanced at Sara and gave her an apologetic smile. “Pardon me, Dr. Carmichael. I got a little ahead of myself.”

“No problem.” She glanced at his nametag and returned his smile. “Enjoy your night, Kevin.”

“Thanks. You sure, boss?”

Brad waved him on. “Hug Brit extra hard for me. Now get out.”

Sara glanced around and realized the rest of the mechanics had vanished. There had only been a handful of them, but they’d scattered like rats. Either because it was quitting time or because Brad had leveled Derek with some sort of pee-laced death ray that had struck him dumb. Maybe they were afraid of getting hit by stray male pheromones.

“You need a ride back too, Winters?” Brad jingled his keys. “Otherwise, I’d like to get to Sara’s vehicle before dark.”

Derek looked at Sara as if he hadn’t spoken. “Are you sure you’d rather not go to Quickie Lube? Much more professional service there. I’d be happy to drive you.”

“I bet,” Brad muttered.

“No, I’m fine here. Thank you for the ride, Derek. I appreciate it.”

With a noise that sounded dangerously close to harrumph, Derek left. His Mustang roared out of the lot a moment later.

Brad tucked his keys in his pocket and took his sweet time wiping his hands. She had no doubt his slowness was intentional. The guy sure knew how to stew. “Ready?” he asked, finally picking up his keys again.

“Sure.” She gripped her purse. “Thank you.”

“No problem.” He led her out and locked the door, affirming her opinion that the place had emptied out shortly after her arrival. She’d always been good at clearing rooms. “You sure you’ll be okay in my truck?” He glanced at her slim skirt and heels. “We do have a waiting area. Nothing fancy enough to suit ice-dick Winters, but it’s clean.”

She hated that she wanted to giggle. First, because she shouldn’t be laughing at the moniker “ice-dick” after Derek had been nice enough to give her a ride. Secondly, because she knew to do so would encourage Brad’s macho posturing. Something he seemed to have a handle on all on his own.

“I’ve been here before, you know. And your big truck doesn’t scare me.” Deliberately she ran her gaze up and down his body. She took advantage of his astonishment and grabbed hold of the passenger door before he could, hauling herself inside with only a minimum of awkwardness.

And if she flashed a little leg while doing so, oh well.

He joined her in the cabin and pulled out of the lot. “You could’ve called me. You should’ve called me rather than him.”

It was awfully difficult to think straight when Brad’s oddly arousing scent of motor oil, a hint of sweat and his spicy aftershave had overtaken her brain. “You think I called Derek?”

“Didn’t you?”

She sighed and tugged at a loose thread on her skirt. “Look, Brad, we slept together. You didn’t slap a cuff on my ankle or a band on my ring finger.”

He shot her a glance that could’ve frozen hot lava. “Duly noted, Doctor.”

“Oh, stop it. I’m just saying there’s no need for…this.” She waved a hand between them. “But for your information, I didn’t call him. He drove by. I was going to call you.”

He didn’t say anything more until he’d hooked her car up to the hitch on the back of his truck and they’d returned to the shop. “I’ll drop you off and come back here. It’ll be ready for you in the a.m., assuming I don’t need parts.”

“But it’s past eight. The shop’s closed.”
