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But I would rather prefer eating take out alone. I would rather just be at home alone. Or actually, I would rather be in the office, shivering with anticipation, waiting to see if Carter is going to come and find me at my desk. I know that I told Abbi that I don’t want to complicate things by continuing to hook up with him, but maybe I do. That sure beats this. Through everything, we have an intense chemistry, a powerful sizzle. There is something there and it’s something that we can work on, build upon, and see where it goes…

“…she said I was the best sex that she’s ever had. That’s actually something I get a lot…”

I screw up my nose in disgust. How the hell did we end up on this topic? For goodness sake, I obviously don’t want to hear about how good other people think he is in bed. Even if I liked him, that wouldn’t change. I don’t know anyone who would find that attractive. It just makes my skin crawl.

Urgh, this needs to end now. I don’t know how much longer I can take it…

I breathe out a sigh of relief as we pull back up outside the office so I can pick up my car. I’m much more comfortable being dropped off here anyway. It’s bad enough that Thomas knows where I work. I don’t want him to know where I live as well. I don’t necessarily think that he’s dangerous. I just prefer to keep my privacy.

“Right, well thank you for…” I start. But I don’t get to finish that sentence because all of a sudden, his mouth is on mine. It’s unwelcome, and I think I might well have made that obvious throughout the night, but he’s going for it anyway. He’s kissing me and his hands are trying to work their way into my hair.

His lips are like a wet fish, all moist and disgusting. I don’t want any of this, but somehow, he has me pressed up against the window and I can’t escape. Urgh, what the fuck does Thomas think is going on here? Does he honestly believe that I like him at all? I try to shove him, to push him off, to get him away from me.

“Stop,” I grumble against his mouth, trying to twist my head. “Thomas, no!”

“What are you doing?” He falls backwards and glares at me. “Why are you acting like a bitch?”

I feel all red faced and hot. Like I want to scream. “Why? Because I don’t want to kiss you.”

“Because I bought you dinner. Because we had a good date…”

“Good date?” I exclaim in shock. “That was a good date to you? Are you serious?”

“What was wrong with it? Food was good, conversation was good…”

Oh wow. I can’t do anything with that. This guy genuinely believes that. I shake my head hard and slide closer to the door. I unclip it and I’m just about to slide out of the car before he stops me again.

“Are you really leaving? This is freaking ridiculous.”

“I’m sorry, Thomas. I don’t mean to offend you. The date was fine, but there isn’t any spark between us…”

“Spark? Who the fuck needs a spark for a shag?”

An ice cold revulsion washes through me. “That’s all I was to you?”

“What was I to you? You don’t seem like the sort of woman who wants more.”

“You are disgusting,” I sneer at him. “You are a pig. I thought that you were different, but you aren’t. I’m not that sort of woman. I tried with you, I wanted to get to know you, but it isn’t going to work out. I’m sorry that you can’t accept that.” He smirks at me. He actually smirks. “You know what, I’m done.”

“Good, because I’m done with you too. You’re all the same, you cock teases.”

“You’re acting like women are purely put on the planet for your pleasure.”

“Yeah, and you act like I should just be a cash cow, buying you dinner.”

“I wanted to pay half. You had to make a big show of buying it all.”

“Big show,” he scoffs. “Women don’t ever actually want to pay. That’s just a feminism thing.”

“Thank goodness you know all about feminism, and women in general. What would we do without you?” I growl. “Your understanding is the only thing that keeps us going.”

“I can’t have this conversation with a lesbian like you. Just get out of my car already. I don’t want you here.”

“Gladly.” I roll my eyes. “And just so you know, my sexuality is none of your business.”

“It is when I’m buying you dinner in the hope of getting some…”

“Whatever.” I roll my eyes. “You just carry on with that attitude.”
