Page 29 of Keep Me Going

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“Can we see him?” Brent asked as the doctor smiled.

“Let’s get him to a room and then someone will bring you back. About an hour?” He asked as Brent nodded tersely.

“His family might be here by then.” He said as I sucked in my breath. The doctor left, and we slumped back as Brent squeezed my hand. “He’s coming back to us.”

Chapter Eighteen


I woke up in a room with a few other people, groggy and confused. The woman standing by me explained that I was just out of surgery and doing great. I should be in my own room soon. I didn’t need to ask why since I knew I’d never forget this night in my life.

Keith waiting for us on my floor, or at least waiting for Soledad. He was carrying out his plan and I was proud of her for telling us all to go, sacrificing her own life. I was also pissed off at her and couldn’t wait to tell her so.

I was taken to a private room and looked around the large space. It was a normal room with a television on the wall and all the various machines. I was hooked up to an IV there with pain meds and closed my eyes as I let out a sigh.

They told me that I could have visitors and I waited for the door to open. “Alexander?” I opened my eyes to see my mother peering in and my eyes widened. “Oh my God. Are you going to be okay?” I must have been giving her a weird look and she smiled wanly at me. “Soledad called me, and Brent set up a flight. Your sister will be here soon.”

She leaned over and hugged me gently, glancing down at my wrapped leg. “It could be worse, Mom.” I assured her as she wiped away a tear. “Where is Soledad? Brent?”

“They told me to come in first. I was a bit of a mess.” She confessed as she met my eyes. “She’s lovely, Alex. I can see how much she loves you. I guess you feel the same if you jumped out of an elevator to stop an armed man from hurting her.”

“I do. I love her so much, Mom.” I assured her as she reached out to hold my hand. She stayed with me for a few minutes before telling me she was going to send my friends in while she waited for Alli. I kissed her cheek before she left and waited to see the dark-haired woman that was finally free to be mine.

The door cracked, and she peered in with tears in her eyes. Soledad rushed over to me and took my hand as she sat in the seat to my left. “How do you feel?” Her voice was low and eyes intense as she gazed at me.

“I am on great meds, so great. I’m not going to turn that away while I’m here,” I joked as she smiled weakly. “Are you okay?”

“I am. Stan got there before… he could do anything else.” Her face took on a haunted expression as she gazed past me. “I’ll never forget the sight of you on that floor, bleeding everywhere.”

“It’s over, baby. He’s out of our lives.” I squeezed her hand as she wiped a tear away. “How is Lindsay?”

“She went back to the hotel with my parents. She was sleeping.” Soledad sucked in her breath. “I told her as much as I could. I figured we’d sit down with her later when this was all over and I could make sense of it.”

“That’s a good idea. We can deal with it later.” I stared at her wide eyes.

“He could have gotten her.” Soledad said softly.

“He didn’t. He never will thank to Stan. I owe him everything,” I said as she glanced at me.

“I know. I don’t know how to thank him properly.” She rested her head against the blanket on my bed. “They’re staying here as long as we need them to. I can’t do this without them. I don’t feel like I can even be a good mom.”

“You need some rest,” I told her as Soledad nodded. There was a chair with an ottoman in the corner and I raised my brow at it. “There’s a chair in the corner, though you might be fighting my mom for it. I think I need to get them a room at a nearby hotel. I’d offer them the loft, but I don’t know if they’d stay there.”

“I never want to see it again for the moment. I can’t get it out of my mind.” Soledad murmured as I looked at her. The door opened, and she closed her eyes.

“Hey buddy. How are you feeling?” Brent asked as I grinned weakly at him. He took the seat to my right, taking in Soledad with a concerned look.

“The meds are great.” I admitted as he nodded.

“You scared me. Stop playing hero,” He told me as I chuckled softly. “How long are you here?”

“A few days, I guess. They want to keep an eye on me.” I looked at him., “Thanks for taking care of the flights for Mom and Alli. When is she going to be here?”

“I think she’s in a cab now. I got them a room at the hotel down the street for the night. We’ll go from there.” I looked at him, knowing that he had my back.

“Thanks. I feel helpless from here.” I did. I was used to taking care of everyone and I felt trapped here. We chatted about everything as Soledad listened before the door burst open.

