Page 30 of Keep Me Going

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bsp; “You idiot!” My sister walked in as Brent widened his eyes. She was a mini version of my mom though more petite. “What were you doing near that guy?”

“Alli,” I said as she looked at everyone. My sister moved to the foot of the bed and took me in with a dark gaze. “Thanks for coming. Are you okay missing some school?”

“I am at the top of my class, Alex. I’m fine.” I rolled my eyes.

“Alli, I’m sure you remember Brent.” They smiled at each other. “This is my girlfriend, Soledad.” She raised her head from the bed and smiled weakly at my sister.

“I wish I was meeting you under better circumstances,” Soledad told her as she extended her hand. Alli shook it and smiled down at her.

“We’ll make up for it.” Alli said as she sat down in the chair in the corner. Brent told her that he got a room for her and Mom for the night and as long as they needed it for after that as Alli yawned. Mom walked in just then and looked around the room.

“You look so tired, Soledad. You need some rest.” Mom looked around to see Alli in the chair for overnight guests and raised a brow. “I suppose someone could stay there, if they allow it.”

“I am an adult, Mom. I’m sure I’ll be fine. You all need a better night’s sleep than you’ll get in that.” I said as Soledad propped her chin on her hand and narrowed her eyes at me.

We talked until the nurse popped in and told everyone that I needed some rest. Mom and Alli hugged me before hugging Brent and Soledad, offering to take her to their room. “I am going to my Mom’s room to sleep with my daughter.” Soledad replied as Mom’s eyes warmed.

“I hope we can meet her during this trip,” she said, shooting a quick glance at me.

“I’m sure that we can arrange something.” Soledad agreed as she kissed me softly. “I love you, Alex.”

“I love you,” I assured her as I watched them leave. I turned the lights down and stared blankly at the TV, watching the news as they played the story about Keith. It showed my building and I shuddered, knowing that I might not stay there. I couldn’t imagine making Soledad walk past that spot in the hallway repeatedly, traumatizing her.

I tossed the idea around of buying a bigger house before the meds knocked me out for the night. I had time for this, but I wanted to make a good life for Soledad and Lindsay.

The next day came with the sounds of the hospital and the terrible food. Visitors started trickling in and I hugged Mom and Alli as they arrived first. They looked a bit better today and settled in the seats as I sipped my water. We chatted about the city and their room. Mom still seemed nervous, but everything felt better with the sun shining through the window.

Chapter Nineteen


Brent brought me to the hotel and I stumbled to Mom’s room. Luckily, it had two king beds in it and I joined Lindsay in one of them after washing my face. I was exhausted, emotional, and just needed to hold my daughter.

We slept late the following day and Lindsay snuggled close to me after she woke up to find me in bed. “Mommy.”

“Hi, baby. Sleep good?” I asked as she pressed her face into my neck.

“I missed you. How is Alex, Mommy?” Her voice was serious, and my heart broke all over again.

“He’s good. He’s still at the hospital for a while but the doctors made him better,” I assured her as I met my mom’s gaze across the room. “I know he’d love to see you. Want to visit?”

“I need clothes. Everything is in my room.” I froze at the idea of going back there. Stan met my eyes and nodded.

“I can get some stuff for you, Lindsay. What is your favorite outfit there?” He jotted down some of the stuff she said, and I gave him the key as he kissed my head. Stan told me that he’d grab some stuff for me as well and I thanked him. Mom made me a cup of coffee as she turned the TV up a bit.

Once Stan got back and Lindsay and I changed into some clean clothing, we went down to the lobby for some breakfast. I nibbled at a waffle and some fruit while Mom encouraged Lindsay to try a little of everything. I laughed watching them and then sobered up when Stan came down to take us to the hospital.

I smiled when I saw his family. Lindsay shrank back a little and I stayed there for a second as they seemed to realize they were scaring her. My parents stepped forward and introduced themselves as Alex looked at Lindsay. She peered around me and then scurried across the room to him, smiling as Stan placed her on the bed near his good leg. She perked up, asking how he was feeling as I watched everyone around us melt. Even if I wasn’t front and center to their growing relationship, it was obvious that Lindsay loved him. I could see how much he cared for her as well.

We were free to be his. I moved forward, smiling as Brent offered me his seat beside Lindsay. It didn’t take long for the ice to be broken and everyone start talking to each other. Lindsay warmed up to his mom and sister quickly once she seemed to understand how important they were to Alex. She still sat with him the entire time, close to me on the other side of her as she told them all about her days.

Eventually, Alex showed signs of fatigue and we were invited to lunch with everyone. Alex joked that we should bring something back and I kissed him, whispering that I would. He was on no restrictions.

We decided to go to a nearby restaurant that would work for all of us. I asked for something on the louder side so Lindsay could be herself. She was happy with this group and I wouldn’t stifle that right now. We got a large table in the back and ordered drinks before looking at the menu.

I fell more in love with Alex spending time with his family. I hated meeting them this way, but we were all together when we needed to me. They loved him, and I could already see that they were falling in love with Lindsay as the afternoon wore on. We enjoyed a long lunch at the restaurant and I ordered a meal to go for Alex, so he could have something other than bad hospital food. He was awake and watching TV when we returned, and I smiled when everyone told me to go inside. They had Lindsay outside, so she could run around.

I walked into his room with the bag and smiled as he gazed at me. “All alone?”
