Page 55 of Jessica's Protector

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I hum and run my soapy hands over Cinq’s body. Yes. I want all of him. Except… “How permanent are matches on your world?”

“They’re usually for life,” he says, his touch and cock pressing into my belly distracting me. “People tend to stay together due to the system’s accuracy. Mistakes do happen, though.”

His words trail off, possibly thanks to my fingers running over his slippery cockhead and I say, “I don’t want us to be a mistake.”

Cinq grips my ass, lifting me and positioning his cock to enter me. “We’re not, but like I said, it’s your choice.” He slides into me, those amazing rings bringing goosebumps over my skin. “I hadn’t accepted when I could,” he adds with a groan and while rocking in and out of my body. “I wish I had, even if it doesn’t matter now.”

His large hands on my ass, squeezing, has me biting his shoulder. We both groan and I let my head fall back before I leave too much of a mark on his perfect, gleaming skin. “You’re amazing.”

“So are you.” He winces as a flood of lubricant fills me. “Even my pre feels like the real thing with you.”

“The pre being strong isn’t normal?” I have a feeling it isn’t, but want to hear more about how I’m number one for him.

He sighs, his breath cooling me in the warmth. “No. The pre is perfunctory, a mere hint of the main event. With other women, anyway.”

Ooh, sorry I asked now. I need his attention back to me. “I don’t care about the others. It’s fine. You had a life before me.”

“Bik. You’re too distracted right now.” He pulls out and I give a protest. “No, no talking. No thinking.” He kneels, easing me back against the wall and shutting off the water. “A side effect of nanos is you live in your head too much. We’re trained as children to be in the real world, too, but you’ve not had the instruction, yet.”

I look down at him with a smile. “How do you plan on teaching me?”

He buries his face in my pussy, licking my clit. “Like this. Just relax and enjoy.”

“Okay, I squeak as his thick finger slides into me. It’s not his cock, no, but with the clit being so loved, I’m okay with whatever. “I think it’s working,” I tell him, burying my fingers in his hair.

“If you’re still talking, not enough.” He slides another finger into me and I shudder. “There. That’s what you need.”

He’s right. I do as he’s suggested and relax against the wall, just enjoying what he’s giving me. His fingers curl, stroking my g-spot. I can’t even speak, just gurgle when I try and he laughs. “Good to know,” he says and continues.

“Oh, Cinq, this is the best.” My voice comes out a little loud in the small space and I bite my lip, afraid the others might hear even from where they are.

He doesn’t respond, just keeps going with that tongue of his. Each lick brings me a little closer until I’m teetering on the edge of a climax. My toes curl, my body ready to go, and he stops. I look down at him as he traces a trail from my navel to my chin. He chuckles when our eyes meet, and says, “Let’s try this again.”

Before I can respond, he has my butt in his hands again. I wrap my legs around his hips as he slides back into me. We both sigh as he’s fully sheathed in me, like he’s a long lost soldier who’s come home. I was so close to climaxing a moment ago, the angry tension over being interrupted still fills me. Cinq is tense, too, his body hard and tight against mine as he punishes my body deliciously with his own.

“I’m close,” he whispers in my ear. “You get me so hot. It’ll be difficult to hold back.”

I press my lips against his skin to stop the scream erupting from me. A climax like only he gives races through my body like we’re electrical. He curses and I’m flooded with his seed. “Fuck,” I breathe. “You’re so fucking good.”

“We’re good at fucking together,” he responds in a voice sounding as wiped and awed as I feel. “The best.”

He and I stay close for a minute or so, letting our heartbeats slow before he lets me slide to the floor. “It’ll be cold at first,” he says, stepping away from the showerhead. I move back, too, and he turns on the sonics.

Soon, we’re back under the warmth, sudsy, but far more satisfied. He’s wonderful. I watch the bubbles slide down his bicep. “How much of this terrific body is from working out and how much is from the nanos’ help?”

“Origins, that’s another thing I’ve got to schedule,” he groans. “I’m glad S’Tou gave me his datapad because I’ll need it for exercise reminders.”

I turn to face away from him and mentally pressing my shallowness. A scrawny or fluffy Cinq would still be sexy, wouldn’t he? What if he wasn’t? What if this whole shower thing is infrequent and he starts stinking because the nanos aren’t there to be his deodorant anymore? Do Gharians have body odor like we do? I don’t want to hit the datalinks unless it’s necessary. I wash my face, more than a little disappointed over my train of thought. But then, it’s not what he looks like so much as him not caring about his self-care, isn’t it? He’s never had to worry about his body before now. I can’t help but worry about accepting a lifetime match to a man who slowly deteriorates before my eyes.

Cinq wraps his arms around me, seemingly unaware of my inner turmoil. God, there’s so much to unpack. My mother’s slow, inevitable decline. My first and only husband’s disintegration into a human slug after our wedding. My own fears of being trapped on a planet, dependent on an alien man’s whims.

No. This whole accept match thing can wait. With my alien tech keeping me from ever returning home, I’m in no hurry to bind myself to a third of the male population on this planet.

“You’re awfully quiet all of a sudden. Is everything all right?”

I turn around and glance up at him. He turns off the sonics and I give him a smile. “I’m fine. Just worrying about stuff. Nothing important.”
