Page 35 of Faith's Redemption

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Faith and Lancelot were right there, laughing it up with his secretary as they scrolled through some photos on the older woman’s phone.

Faith’s blue eyes lifted when the door opened, automatically meeting mine, the smile slowly dropping as worry now filled her face. Worry for me. Damn, I hadn’t expected that.

“Faith,” Mateo said. “Would you join us?”

She nodded, offered the other woman a tight smile, then walked into his office. She shot me another look, holding herself up remarkably well as she tried to keep up the spark from earlier as she slid by and focused on Mateo.

“How are you?” he asked.

“I’m fine.” She sat in a chair and the dog curled up near her feet. “So, is one of you going to tell me what’s going on? And why I was left outside like a child?”

“Not like a child,” Mateo said. “Like a citizen who hadn’t broken their parole.” He lifted a brow at her. “I had private business to discuss with Adam.”

I’d kept my eyes on her the entire time, and now her gaze slid my way. “Oh. Right.” Back to Mateo. “So... I guess he’s going back to prison?”

Mateo sat back and interlaced his fingers. “No.”

“No?” Now she looked at me in surprise. “You’re not?”

I shook my head, allowing Mateo to spin the web.

“Adam and I discussed the special circumstances and have come to an understanding,” Mateo went on. “And even though he really should have called me... considering we’re family and you were in danger, I’m willing to overlook the discretion. But just this once.” Our gazes clashed. “Right, Bishop?”

I gave him a mock salute. Understanding. Right. “Aye, aye, captain.”

She seemed confused yet... grateful? “Oh. That’s...” She looked to me. “I’m glad.” She stood and tugged gently on Lance’s leash so he’d rise. “I guess that’s it then. We can go?”

“Go where?” Mateo seemed confused.

“Right. Sorry.” She huffed out a little laugh. “I texted Hope while you guys were in here talking. I asked if I could stay with her and Tobias for a while. She said that’d be fine.”

Something like disappointment filled my belly, but I ignored it. Good—

“No,” Mateo said, shaking his head.

“What?” Faith looked from him to me, then back. “Why not? I already told you I won’t stay with you and Grace, and you said Nanny Rae’s wasn’t safe. This seemed the next best option.” She totally ignored my offer that I’d stupidly made when I thought I was going to prison, which I hated to admit stung.

Mateo lifted one finger. “First, Hope and Tobias live too far. With both of them gone most of the day working, that’s still not safe for you.” A second finger joined the first. “Second, I need your help.”

“My help?”

That shady bastard. He knew the best way to get to Faith was through her soft spot. If she thought someone needed her help, especially someone she loved, she’d be all in. No questions asked.

“Yeah.” He leaned in toward her, concern filling his face that seemed genuine. “I’m worried about Grace. I think she’s overdoing it. I’ve asked her to quit working now that she’s in her third trimester, but she’s stubborn.”

Her mouth quirked. “Hmm.”

“Yeah, I don’t know where it comes from,” he said. “But with her job and Olivia and her incessant need to keep everything perfect...” He gave a chagrined shrug. “I try to help when I can, but she says she loves it. But she’s exhausted and swollen most of the time, and I hoped since you aren’t working right now that you might have some extra time? Not for anything physical, I know you’re still healing. Just keep her company, maybe do the shopping or cook a little bit. Keep an eye on Olivia. That kind of thing. I could pay you—”

“Pay me?” Her voice rose an octave as if he’d offended her. Hell, he probably had. “You don’t have to pay me to help my own sister! Why didn’t she tell me she needed help?”

Mateo tilted his head.

“Never mind that last question,” she said. “Of course, I’ll help. I’d love to.”

He smiled. “Thank you! I know she’d love the time with you, too.”

Her eyes narrowed. “But this isn’t some ploy to get me to stay with you, is it? I already said—”
