Page 79 of Faith's Redemption

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I nodded, my eyes drifting back to the Glock in the center. “And this one?” I pointed.

“A trophy of sorts.”

Alarm bells screamed in the back of my brain as I looked over at him. “A trophy?”

“Yes. A story for another day.” He rose and walked to his wet bar. “You sure you won’t join me for a drink?”

“I... sure,” I said, making a snap decision. “Just one.”

This made him smile as he faced his bar. “Whiskey?”


While he was busy with that, I yanked out my phone with my heart pounding a furious beat against my sternum. I snapped a photo of the gun and shoved it back in my pocket, spinning around one second before he faced me again, whiskey in hand. He handed it to me.

“To new ventures.”

I tapped my tumbler to his and we sipped, the liquor sliding down my throat with a nice burn, quieting my nerves.

He leaned against his desk and eyed me. “I spoke to our sweet little Faith today,” he said, seemingly out of the blue. Nothing was ever out of the blue with Cyrus.


My eyes shot up to his, spun by the turn of conversation. What. The. Fuck. When had he seen Faith? And why hadn’t she told me? A flood of fury filled my belly at the thought of him being within one hundred feet of her, much less breathing the same air.

“Looking well, I must say.” He sipped again, watching my reaction over the rim of his glass. Toying with me, I was sure. Letting me know he may be offering me something, but he was still very much in charge. And dangerous.

I nodded as if I knew that already.

“Cute little dog, too. Not much of a guard dog, though, if anyone meant her harm,” he added thoughtfully.

I drank back the rest of my whiskey in one smooth swallow, then smacked the glass down on his desk with a satisfying thunk. “Well... good thing no one will,” I bit out. “They’d have to come through me first.”

“Hmmm.” His smirk was nothing short of evil. “Then I suggest you get to finding that money.” He tapped his watch. “Ticktock, Adam.”

“I know where she keeps it,” I lied. “Some of it, anyway. I’ll get it. Just give me a few days.”

“You have two.”

Damn, the man was heartless. We’d moved from a job offer to threatening my girlfriend in under a minute.

With a glare, I snagged the bag I was to deliver and saw myself out, roaring out of the driveway and ripping down the road toward home. I pulled over long enough to text Mateo about Cyrus’s offer and the details on tomorrow’s delivery, adding the picture of the Glock.

He texted back immediately. Holy shit. I’ll run it by the DA first thing. Fingers crossed, my man. Thanks!

Me:No problem. Let me know.

Me:One more thing...

Mateo:What’s that?

Me:I need more cash. As much as you can get me. Within two days.

Silence for a long beat. Finally...

Mateo:I’ll see what I can do.

I shut my eyes tight, debating if I should tell him the stakes. He already knew Faith was a target, so I held back. No point worrying him more when he already had a job to do and a pregnant wife to take care of. But fuck.
