Page 10 of Born to Bleed

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“So, now that we’re on the same team, does that mean you’ll untie me?”

He grunted. “No.”

She jerked her cuffs against the hard metal pole at her back. “You’re joking.”

“Unless you want me to cuff you to me, instead of that pole. But I have preparations to make.” He pulled his shirt over his head, revealing a beautifully chiseled, albeit very scarred torso, with abs that went on for days and tight, bulging biceps that showcased just how ridiculously strong the man was. Yeah, she certainly didn’t feel bad about being overpowered by that. “I’ll need to pack a bag, grab some weapons, bathe myself,” his hand moved lower, getting dangerously close to his belt, “get a good night’s sleep, possibly--”

“Okay! Got it. No thank you.”

His eyes met hers, innocent confusion playing across his hard features. He wasn’t confused at all. She knew exactly what he was going to say, cute expression or not.

“So be it.” He grabbed a thick sweatshirt, pulling it over his head and covering up the hard body she might have secretly been admiring, just a little. Then he walked straight to the door, grabbing for the knob and twisting.

“Wait! You’re just going to leave me here? Again?”

The door swung open, cold air rushing in. “I told you, I have to prepare for our journey.” He was out the door before she could even respond, leaving her with numb toes, sore wrists, and an angry bladder.

“Great, so glad I cooperated,” she mocked. “Overjoyed to have such a kind, thoughtful partner.”

She huffed out a breath and leaned back against the cool metal pipe, figuring she might as well settle in and try to get comfortable. She was going to be here awhile.

Chapter Three

SO FAR, ANNA HADN’T run, but he also hadn’t given her the opportunity to. As they walked through the district, well beyond the walls of the compound, his eyes rarely left her form.

Not that he was complaining. Of all the challenges Hayden had faced as a leader of the Resistance, staring at Anna’s sexy body and ensuring she stayed close to him was not one he’d complain about.

“What are we looking for, again? Because I want to be heading east, and this is definitely southwest.”

“You’ll know it when you see it.” He wasn’t keen on the idea of walking all the way to the Eastern District, so they’d set out toward a town they recently had a brief struggle with. Now, luckily, the place was brimming with friendly faces. Not that they’d be seeing them-- his stop was a ways before the small town.

“Promises, promises,” Anna muttered under her breath.

He was used to being around his brothers and their women. Hunter, quick to argue, and Derek, quick to diffuse, each with their quietly insightful partners. While hotheaded Sawyer wasn’t romantically involved with Kayla, they still stuck together for the most part, and she, like Rain and Julia, had the same mild-mannered, friendly demeanor.

Anna was nothing like those women. And, similarly, Hayden was nothing like his brothers.

Where his brothers were loud and talkative, constantly picking on one another and making fun, he was more quiet, reserved, introspective. He was the one who kept his head cool and clear, bringing the others back down to Earth whenever they got too caught up in themselves.

Hayden had been out of control before, and he would never allow himself to get to that place again. Being out of control meant putting innocent people at risk, and he would never do that again. So he controlled everything. Up until this point, it had worked well for him. More importantly, it kept the people around him safe. Or, well, as safe as they could be in this world.

In their teaming, or pairing, or whatever one might call it, Anna was the fire. She was explosive, hot and fiery and quick with a comeback. Best of all, she didn’t flinch at the sight of his face, or his too-large figure, or even his harsher actions. She didn’t recoil from him in the slightest, instead fighting him at every turn.

He loved every second of it.

She was the first woman who excited him, enticed him, interested him. Of course, she claimed that she despised him, for reasons unknown. It was what it was.

Finally, he saw the muddled green metal he was looking for, and picked up his pace in its direction. Anna followed after him, as he suspected she would, jogging up to his side. “Where are we…” her voice trailed off as the vehicle came into view. “Oh.”

The truck was behind some thick bushes, meant to disguise it just a bit from afar, though it obviously didn’t do much up close. In the summer months, maybe, but with bare trees and sporadic shrubbery, it was a lot easier to pick out.

Brushing his hand over the hood to swipe away the wet, dead leaves that were plastered there, he walked around to the driver’s side. “Hop in,” he said to Anna.

“Ask nicely.”

He met her gaze with a frown, and she smiled back at him, intent on annoying him this entire trip. She’d have to try harder than that; Hayden was not quick to grow irritated.

Instead of responding, he simply moved his attention to the wiring beneath the steering wheel, twisting wires together so the thing would start up. It roared to life, thank goodness, though the gas tank wasn’t quite at full. He’d found the vehicle completely dead a few months back, got it running and filled it up with whatever gas he’d been able to get his hands on. Stuck it out in the woods where it was unlikely anyone would find it.
