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“Now, little prey, where do you think you are going, and why do you smell like blood?”

She paused. “Blood?”

“Yes, your scent is wrong, and you smell like blood.”

Brit rotated her foot and felt the stickiness. She hadn’t healed all the way.Fuck.

“There is a reason my scent is wrong and I smell like blood.” She checked her com. “And you will find out in about a minute.”

She felt her body shift, and she was back to herself sooner than expected. “Or now, it could be now.”

His muzzle came around, and he met her gaze with his.

“Shapeshifter? Your scent is almost like hers.”

She chuckled. “Yeah, it would be. I hugged her right before my little exercise.”

“No, it goes beneath that.” He snuffled against her neck.

She froze and swallowed. “I think you should put me down.”

“I think your game has earned me a consolation prize.”

“Do you need consolation?” Her foot was bleeding quite steadily now. Throbbing pain was rushing in.

He growled. “You are bleeding. Where?”

“I can tend to it, just set me down.”

He growled, looked around, and set her on a tree branch. He sniffed out her injury and growled at her right foot. “You taped it.”

“I caused it. I thought it would heal.”

He removed her shoe.

“What are you doing?”

“Like a lot of canine activations, I can heal with my tongue. I will fix your foot, and we will have a discussion about running from alphas.”

“She was sick with panic. And you... well, you would chase a running target. So, that only left her with two to deal with.”

“So you are bait.” He slowly removed her adhesive bandage. He growled when he looked at the damage.

He licked her heel and moved deliberately against her with his wet, wide tongue lapping noisily.

Brit looked around the woods with the wet sounds surrounding her. She was fine until his tongue caressed her arch. That touch made her leg buck.

He gripped her thigh with his long fingers, and he kept licking. His grip moved up her inner thigh until it rested against the fabric covering her sex.Whoa.

She tried to edge away, but the trunk of the tree was up against her back. He had chosen the tree carefully. She cleared her throat. “I thank you for the healing. It’s appreciated, but I need to get home before a SWAT team arrives.”

He chuckled. “You are a funny bit of bait, but I do need to charge you for the healing.”

“I don’t have any funds on me, and I doubt you get paid via the com. If you will take that, I can pay you immediately. Probably.”

He looked up, and he cocked his head. “Financial currency is not what I want from you. I understand you are not a sweet little omega like your friend, but I think you know what I want from you.”

She swallowed and looked at his red eyes. “What?”
