Page 36 of Empire of Ash

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“I’m on it, boss,” he grunts, giving a stiff nod before he whirls and marches out of the kitchen.

I turn, leaning against the counter and gripping the edge of it tightly.That’sher little secret—the reason for her stubborn insistence on working, even while living here, with her every whim and need taken care of.

Because she put her great aunt into a home to the tune of a million pounds. And now she’s working to pay whoever that was back.

My eyes narrow.

She got that money from somewhere, I’m fairly certain there’s not a bank or creditable lender in the world who’d give that kind of money to an eighteen-year-old fresh out of reformatory school without a penny to her name.

But someone gave her that money. And I’m going to find out who.
