Page 52 of Merciless

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That’s easier said than done.

The rage coursing through my veins like a livewire is threatening to eat me alive.

After that unexpected meet with Spartan and Cavalno, I had to ride like a maniac for three hours straight just to cool off.

Run and hide.

That’s like rubbing salt in the wound, big time.

Spent way too many years doing that the first time around. I made a vow to myself that I wouldn’t do it again, no matter what.

Yet, here I am, about to.

I just gotta keep reminding myself that it’s only temporary. More than that, it’s part of the fight, of the overall plan. And as much as I don’t like admitting it, because his ego is big enough, it’s a hell of a good plan that Spartan’s come up with.

As far as Priest knows, he’s got his meet.

Until then, he’s got Charlotte confined to one of his holdings. Me, Spartan, and Cavalno are hedging our bets that it’s his fake residence. But none of us are good with working off bets and maybes.

So, that’s where I’m headed right now, to get confirmation. Spartan’s best guy for intel is out right now and Cavalno’s gotta get back to fortifying Julian King’s protection, without him knowing, apparently. It’s a whole weird-ass non-relationship they got going on.

I still can’t believe Char is even trapped on Priest’s territory right now. She shouldn’t be held at nobody’s mercy. It’s turned my stomach knowing I gotta wait on heading right there. I gotta play it smart, beat Priest at his own game. But, the fact is, she shouldn’t be in this position at all. She’s better than this. Way better. This ain’t something I saw coming with her.

She’s spent a lot of time telling me I’ve lost my edge, which I wanted her to believe so she didn’t do anything stupid, so she’d think there was no choice but to play it safe. I thought it would keep her safe and sound. And it would’ve if she hadn’t gone off half-cocked.

Even then, though, with danger coming her way, she never should’ve gone down that easy, never should’ve been taken. She’s off her game. She’s lost her edge. What’s worse is that she’s in some major denial about it. It’s dangerous as all fuck to be operating that way. I gotta find out what’s going on, and fast. The second she’s freed from Priest’s clutches, I’ll have it out with her. She’s left me no choice after this bullshit.

I just hope she don’t do nothing stupid until I put my plan into place. I know she’s gotta be pissed. She don’t like being held still, don’t like being restricted in any way. I know that better than anybody.

I gotta swallow down that rage at the situation and my worry for her, and focus on the task at hand.

Right now, that’s bringing this part of the plan to that new kid, Maverick.

I weren’t too happy about it when Ax put it to me to bring him in on this. Things have changed now in light of Priest’s actions and my agreement with Spartan and Cavalno.

While I was waiting on a new lead after finishing up with that asshole that’d betrayed Char, it gave me time to look the kid up.

He’s more than what he seems. A hard motherfucker. Trained. Disciplined. As close to fearless as anybody can get. And he’s got some skills that could come in handy in a big way. Just what I need right now.

I just hope he don’t reach out to Ax and tell him what’s going on, what we’re about to do, because I know he won’t be on board. He’ll think it’s too crazy.

Damn straight it is.

It’s the old me.

* * *

“I hear you,Rach. Loud and clear, believe me. Pack up. I’m riding out to you in forty-eight hours. What? No, it’s not optional. This is happening. About time, don’t you think? Yeah, I’m a stubborn ass. That’s nothing new. So pack up. I’m coming to get you real soon. Good. All right, I gotta go. Love you too, sis.”

Maverick hangs up and blows out a heavy breath, slumping back against his desk chair. “Sorry about that. Little sisters. You’ve got no idea.”

“She in trouble?”

“Just the usual. Picking the wrong guy.” He scrubs his hand over his face. “Same old story. It’s gonna get sorted, no worries there.”
