Page 98 of Merciless

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“I doubt that,” Ax counters, not liking the idea of that one bit. “Rox is probably just all out of her fight after all the bullshit earlier.”

Sin and I exchange a look.

“Dunno, Ax, Rox let her hold your little princess.”

Ax starts for the house.

“Hold up,” Sin says, pressing a hand to his chest. “We still gotta discuss security around Reirdon Falls, remember?”

Ax hesitates and it has me real worried, because that ain’t like him. He’s all about security, especially with the coming war. With Rox being a target today, it should be his main priority. Yet, here he is, almost pushing that to the sidelines because he don’t like the idea of my woman being around his wife and daughter. Yeah, there’s resentment there, all right. I guess, it’s one thing saying you’re good with something and another having a reminder of it thrown right in your face and being right smack damn in the middle of his home.

“Look, Ax, me and Char will stay up at the clubhouse, all right?”

“No!” he snaps.

“You clearly ain’t down with her being here, in your home, so—”

“It’s a major security breach bringing an outsider—especially somebody with her associations—into the clubhouse, Dealer. There ain’t no way. You’re both staying here. End of story.”

“You’d rather she be around your family, than the boys?” Sin asks, not getting it.

“She ain’t gonna hurt my family. Ain’t gonna hurt nobody connected to Dealer directly. She’s way too sly for that. Being up at the clubhouse, she could do it a whole other way by gaining insider intel and passing it onto hell knows who. I don’t keep none of that stuff here, so that ain’t gonna be a problem keeping her in the house.”

“Jesus Christ, that ain’t her, Ax,” I counter.

“You’re too close to the situation. Until she proves otherwise to me, that’s my stance.”

“Too close? Ain’t never too close to let logic and my codes fall to the wayside. I left her in Priest’s hands so I could engineer a plan of attack with Spartan and Cavalno, don’t forget.”

He ignores most of that—all the parts about Char—and tells me, “Effective immediately, I’m a part of that plan now.”

“It’ll implicate Thorns.”

“Priest going after my wife has already done that.”

“Fine,” I mutter. “After you get some sleep and calm down fully, I’ll fill you in.”

“I’ll get the lowdown from Spartan.”

Before I can get a word out on that, he storms back into the house, taking Sin with him to discuss security. He’s brought our boys—our paid foot soldiers we keep on our payroll—up to Thorns territory. The two of them are gonna figure out where they’re best being stationed and all that, how they’re gonna interact with club security. I should be right in there getting in on the strategy, but my presence right now is just gonna antagonize Ax and that attitude will get us nowhere, just going in circles and accomplishing nothing, so I’ve handed the task over to Sin.

For now. I ain’t gonna take this bullshit from Ax for long.

But I do need to give him some time to come down from what happened today. Having one of his worst fears realized ain’t no small thing.

He just needs some time.

Problem is, we don’t have a lot of it.

And to take on the Gatekeepers, we’ve all gotta be united.

If we ain’t, we won’t just fail, they’ll bury us.
