Page 11 of His Unwanted Bride

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Chapter Five

Silas Knight breathed in the intoxicating scent of the woman he had pinned to the wall. Her freshly fragrant hot and tight body molded to his and his cock hardened instantly. He didn’t bother controlling himself.

She was his wife after all.

Whether he’d wanted a bride or not.

He stared down into her eyes. Brilliant brown spheres that glittered with fury and apprehension and yet also glazed with curiosity when he touched her.

He brushed his knuckles over her soaked pussy and she stubbornly swallowed her moan, writhing to get away from him, but boldly holding his gaze.

Arabelle Davenport was something else. The fire in her spirit, the defiance in her eyes, and her challenging words, all made him want to take her back over his knee and this time take his time spanking her. Work his way up until her ass bloomed like the petals of a red rose and she soaked his pants with the wetness dripping from her pussy. He wanted to do so much more to her. Bad things. Dirty things.

He wanted to hear her cry, her pleas for his dominance. He wanted her unraveled, addicted to his touch, on her knees while she gagged beautifully on his cock, at his ultimate mercy. He wanted her submission.

But that wasn’t his task at hand.

He needed a name. Her father could supply that name on the condition that he fulfilled three things. Marry her. Refrain from telling her the truth about their marriage. And that one other thing.

Fuck. He roared inside his head. Touching her would only torment him further if he let it. He hardened his resolve against her. She was essentially his enemy whether she was aware of what kind of a deal her father had made with him or not.

The man knew who had ordered the hit on Everleigh and after an exhaustive investigation themselves had turned up fruitless, Henry Willis Davenport seemed to be an avenue they couldn’t ignore or brush aside, not when they had narrowed it down to two mafia units.

The Mexicans and the Brazilians. Both as equally powerful as the Knight brothers themselves and equally as hard as the Knight brothers to infiltrate. So basically a dead end which is why Davenport presented a possible link to their chance of vengeance if in fact, he was telling the truth. If not, both he and his daughter would be facing death at the Knight brothers’ hands.

Davenport knew that, but then he had done something unexpectedly which had served two purposes. He had added a clause, one that would protect his daughter’s life if things went south, which he swore wouldn’t happen, but it was also one that would forever bind the Davenports with the Knights through Silas and Arabelle.


The woman he had to automatically hate by association because of her father’s broad-scale extortion on them as if they were common fucking thugs. Whether she was oblivious to his dealings or not, he couldn’t allow himself to separate her innocence from her father’s iniquitous nature.

Silas was also running out of time. With every day that passed and Everleigh and their baby remained in the woods, Parker’s need for vengeance grew. He and Elliot had managed to talk him down from declaring war on both the Brazilians and the Mexicans, but they could contain him for only so long.

She, Arabelle was the gateway to the answers he wanted.

He ground his teeth until his jaw hardened before he slipped his finger between her glossy folds and sank deeper into her tightness.


She wasn’t supposed to feel so fucking amazing. So wet, his finger slid into the pool of her arousal.

He glanced at her face and watched a shadow of horror fall over her stunning features. She didn’t want to be wet for him. It seemed to go against everything she was worth. Despite her lips quivering, her body trembling against his, her copious wetness she dared to close her legs with his hand stuck between them.

“Open,” he growled at her. She shook her head. Her defiance burned fiercer than ever. He curled his hand around her throat.

“I own you, Arabelle,” he said softly.

“No one owns me. I’m not a toy,” she hissed.

The uncontrollable ache in his cock for her sweet pussy turned him into a bear. Why couldn’t she have been obedient? He had envisioned explaining the rules to her and her following them without question and full acquiesce.

“You’re my toy if I say you are.”

“I’m not going to be like one of your other women who just bow down to you.”

She was so fragile in his arms, pretty and soft but her mouth… fuck he wanted to cleanse her tongue with his cock until the only words she uttered were yes master.

“Do you want me to touch you?”
