Page 79 of A Million to Stay

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My attention turns to Gregor. When I see his shoulders start to shake, I feel for him. He’s the victim in all of this.

I can’t even wrap my head around someone stealing your sperm to blackmail you. It’s the sickest thing I’ve ever heard, and I’ve heard a lot. Here this man thought his donation was destroyed, but she manipulated a truly vulnerable situation.

I place a hand on his back and start to rub. He lifts his head to look at me. His eyes are red. I reach to thumb away the tears that start to escape.

“In the beginning, I felt so guilty for not wanting to believe Chloe was mine. I knew what the facts said, but something was still off. It took me so long to get involved and start to build that bond.” He gives a bitter-sounding snort.

“Do you know how she really ended up with your name?”

My brows crease and I nod for him to continue. He reaches to brush a hand over my hair, palming my face as he looks into my eyes. He’s searching, but I just don’t know for what.

“When I first saw her, I thought of you. Your name slipped from my lips as the pain of you not holding my child seared through me. Addison thought I was naming our little girl. Now… as I think of the sinister grin on her lips, I think she knew.

“I went along with naming her after you, because for the first time—since walking away from you—as I looked down at that little girl, I felt like I had… hope.

“But in the back of my mind… something always felt so… wrong about the situation. I think that’s why I never told my family. I just knew.” His words come out brokenly.

“I… I don’t even know what to say. This is… it’s.” I can’t even find the words.

“It’s what I deserve,” he says and stands. “Thank you for sitting through this with me. I….”

He shakes his head and leaves. He stumbles forward like a drunken man. I sit staring after him with my mouth open and my heart breaking.

I don’t want to hurt for him, but I can’t help being human—because what that woman did… it wasn’t human at all. Karma was truly swift with dealing out her punishment.

“I overheard.” I turn to face Eileen as her voice fills the silence Gregor left behind.

I blink and realize my lashes are wet. Eileen comes and takes the seat next to me. She looks as if her legs barely carry her to the seat. She reaches for my hand and squeezes it.

I see the tears in her eyes as her lips purse. Her cheeks are red as her nose starts to turn as well. I can see the deep hurt of a mother for her son.

“I don’t know what to say.” I shake my head.

“Cee, can I ask you something?”


I’ve grown fond of Eileen. She and Chloe have made my time here more enjoyable than I thought it would be. Although, I have seen that Eileen watches me and Gregor when we’re around each other.

“How does all of this make you feel?”

“I… I feel for him,” I say, looking down into my lap. “I just don’t understand how you do something like that to someone.”

“I’ve seen many things in my life you wouldn’t believe. When money and fame get involved, it can cause people to do some unthinkable things,” she says.

“I’m angry for Gregor. No one has a right to just take a piece of you. Especially not with the intention to blackmail you or to use your own flesh and blood as a weapon against you. It’s so wrong on so many levels,” I say, vibrating with anger.

“Can I be honest with you?”

“Yes,” I say, looking back up at her.

“My heart aches for my son. I’ve been quiet up until this point, but I’ve been watching the two of you. You’re holding so much against him.” She holds her hand up when I go to cut her off. “Let me finish.”

I nod and roll my lips.

“I understand you’re hurting. I’m not saying you don’t have a right to your hurt and anger. I’ve told you this before.

“I also know that my son has left out pieces. Something more is going on between you two, but I won’t pry. I’ll say this.

“Sometimes the timing of happily ever after isn’t perfect. However, when it comes back around—if we fight it, we may lose it. You both are scarred deeply. But I can also see that you both love each other. I think you need each other.” She points in the direction Gregor just walked in.

“That’s a broken man, dear. A broken man who could use the woman he loves. Maybe—and I know it’s a lot to ask—but maybe you can find it in your heart to forgive him for now. Just for now,” she says when I frown.

My gaze drops to my lap. Tears fall without my permission. I have so many emotions and feelings. I feel robbed, cheated, betrayed. I also feel torn. My heart is broken for Gregor and for that innocent little girl.

“I’ll think about it,” I reply.

“Please do.”
