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“Dead,” I say aloud, still numb to what just happened. I killed Annalise. I stopped the monster for good.

While the medic tends to my wound, I watch Kayla with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. McNeil are riddled with fear as they walk across the field.

I feel beyond guilty for putting Kayla in danger. Her parents must hate me for it.

After receiving treatment for the slice on my stomach, we stand by the fence, giving statements to the police.

Sometime later, the police grant Kayla the all-clear to go home. I edge closer, wanting to hold her again. To feel her against me, and bask in the fact that she’s still here and safe.

Mr. McNeil frowns at me. “I already lost a daughter. Look, it’s not your fault what happened with that sick girl. But I think you should stay away from Kayla for a while.”

His remarks hurt, but it’s understandable.

“Dad,” Kayla murmurs as if to argue.

Mrs. McNeil drapes her arm around her and nudges her to come along.

Kayla breaks away. “Just a minute.” She walks up to me.

Her dad lingers by the driver’s side while his wife gets in the car.

I reach for Kayla. She slips her hand into mine without hesitation.

“I’m so sorry you got involved in this. You could have—”

“Brandon,” she whispers and touches my cheek. “I’m all right. I’m glad she’s gone. But…” Her voice cracks. “I will need some time. I’m sure you do, too. After tonight…”

I release a rough breath and mutter, “Yeah. I can’t believe I…”

Kayla gradually shakes her head, then caresses my face. “You did what you had to do.”

I nod, finding comfort in her.

Her eyes glisten as she confirms, “You love me?”

Swallowing hard, I close the remaining gap between us. “Don’t act like you didn’t fall in love with me first, little artist.”

“Pfft.” Tears spill down her cheeks as she peers up at me with utter adoration. “I love you, Brandon.”

Despite her parents being right there, I lower my head and press a soft kiss to her lips, immersing myself in the comfort that she brings me.

As we break apart, Kayla whispers, “See you soon.” She turns away and slips into the car.

Mr. McNeil harrumphs before hopping in and taking off from the academy.

Dad comes up to me then. He squeezes my shoulder. “Let’s go, son. I want you to get checked out at the hospital after being knocked unconscious.”

Mom and Britney are waiting in his SUV. I pause and ask him, “How did Annalise find us, Dad? How’d she know we were in Delaware?”

He sighs. “Pops. The police said Annalise found him at the nursing home a few weeks after leaving the institution.” He rubs his left temple. “I messed up, told him where we were. My old man isn’t in the best state of mind, so she got the info from him easily. Then she did a lot of digging into my transfer with the company until...” He doesn’t need to finish.

“She saw that Eric and I were friends, so she went to a party to gain information. He was drunk, and he told her Kayla was painting at the guest house.”

“My god.” He rubs the nape of his neck. “Well, it’s over. She’s gone forever.”

I glance back at the field, at the dark trees where lights are moving around, and police are entering and leaving. I turn away as the medics bring out the gurney with a body bag.

The sight causes shudders. My eyes water as I mutter, “Annalise is finally gone.”

Dad wraps me into his warm embrace, and I sob against his shoulder, allowing him to comfort me for the first time in four years.

Easing me back, he rests his hands on my shoulders and declares with determination, “We’re going to work on our family. It’s time.” He lightly jerks me before motioning to the car.

Britney holds my hand when I settle next to her in the back.

Mom offers me a kind and loving look from the front seat.

Turning to the window, I inhale and exhale a long breath that’s like a fresh start to my new life.
