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It shouldn’t matter that I’m nonexistent to Brandon in both classes the following morning. But I’m ridiculously bothered.

I even find myself sketching him again while lazing in the garden during the fifth period since there’s a faculty meeting.

“Someone’s a weirdo,” the snooty voice mocks.

I close the book and straighten from the bench.

Madison Sutton. Stuck-up captain of the cheer squad and a classmate in Spanish. She purses her glossy peach lips and trails her toffee-hue gaze over me in a scornful fashion.

“Is there a problem?” I don’t hold the sting from my tone.

“Oh, please.” She throws her long copper hair off her shoulder. “You could never be a problem for me. You’re a nobody.”

What the hell? This bitch doesn’t even know me.

“Hm, and yet you took the time to come and address me.” I squint at her.

Madison sniffs as if she smells shit. “You must be dumb if you think you can score Brandon Decker. Newsflash, loser, he’s not into anyone. Let alone someone beneath him.” She eyes me up and down for emphasis.

She’s either referring to the fact that I’m not wealthy like them, or that I’m black.

Both are disgusting reasons to be rude to someone.

Keeping calm, I raise my chin and return an insult. “So, that’s why he’s not with you, right?”

Offended, Madison screws up her face and brushes my arm hard as she stomps on her way.


“You all right, Kayla?”

I pivot at Rajid’s voice. He throws Madison an annoyed look.

“Yeah.” I shake it off and hug the sketchbook at my chest. “Just a run-in with a mean girl.”

Sympathy veils his features. “Sorry. Madison is a member of the moron population.”

That pulls giggles out of me, and I relax even more.

He dawdles on my face for a beat, then nods at my sketchbook. “Spending free time drawing?”

“Mm-hm.” I turn warm on the inside, recalling how I was sketching Brandon. “Every chance I get.”

“Cool. It’s nice to see someone so passionate about something.” He smiles at me.

I scan the garden, asking, “Where’s Sam? Figured you’d be together since there’s no class right now.”

Rajid seems a bit awkward when I look at him again. “Uh, no. She went to the library to actually study until the meeting’s over.”


He motions to the bench.

“What did Madison want with you?” he asks once we’re seated.

“Oh, um, she warned me away from Brandon Decker.” I scoff. “Which is crazy, considering I’ve only been here for three days.”
