Page 95 of A Change Of Heart

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That made her laugh."You drop it any lower and I'll trip you up."

"Oh, tough girl now I see."He flashed her a grin."You ready for me to let you loose?"

"No!Don't you dare!"She clung to him tighter."Just a few times around, okay?Until I get my legs under me."

"No problem.When you're ready, we'll go cruising around the rink like everyone else."

"I wish, but it's not going to happen today."

"You never know.It's our magical day, remember?"

"Keep your expectations low, my friend.I might be terrible, but I'm not ready to quit."Like her heroines, she needed to be brave and conquer her fears.

His arm slid around her waist again and she felt his hip against hers.Jason pushed away from the railing but still close enough that she could make a grab for it.He began to glide and she knew she was safe.Slowly, allowing her to gain confidence, they began to pick up speed.Faster and faster, the wind in her face.They even passed the kids, and suddenly she wasn't scared at all.It was exhilarating.

"You okay?"He glanced at her face."Having fun yet?"

Afraid to look at him in case she tripped, she nodded instead.

"A few more rounds, then we'll stop.I don't want to make you dizzy."

Her legs were tiring and after the first round she tugged his arm to let him know she was done.He slowed down and guided her to the side of the rink near their bench.Not until they reached it, did Jason let go.

"OMG!That was one of the best times in my life," she told him earnestly.

"You did great.I'm proud of you."Jason sucked in some air, his face flushed from exertion.

Once their skates were off, they collapsed on the cold bench, legs spread out.

"That was a workout," he said, unzipping his jacket."I'm sweating."

Panting, she exclaimed, "It was so great.You did all the hard work, making me feel safe.I was flying."She rested her fingers on his arm."I can't thank you enough.It was wonderful."

"Then we'll have to do it again.Just not today."Jason kissed her cheek."Dinner sounds good."

"Sure does."She turned her head."I don't think I can walk home."

"I've got an idea.The Carousel over there.We'll grab one of those seats for two until we're ready to return home."

"Nice.I'm sure I'll be fine ten minutes from now."

He kept an arm around her as they walked to the Carousel.They kept it running on the weekend for young families unless they had heavy snow, rain, or big wind.He helped her onboard, finding a large swan with room for two.

"Return home."The words probably didn't resonate with him, but for her it was the closest she'd ever come to feeling attached to someone.Did he feel it too?

No, how could he?She was still the same old romantic in her core; he was a gentle-hearted man and dedicated surgeon.Could they meet halfway?

Chapter Twenty-Five
