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“Did you notice the room got completely quiet when you were singing? That never happens in karaoke.”

“Oh, I guess so. It was fun.” She took a swig of her beer, still grinning from ear to ear.

“Why’d you drop the band you were in?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. I mean, we weren’t going anywhere, and I was interested in a career in law.”

“I see. How do you like it there at the firm?”

“I like it. Most of the time. I mean, the work is interesting and challenging. Most of our clients are pretty nice. My boss is a bit of a problem, though.”

“Oh, right, what’s-her-name. The lead attorney on my case. Crabness?”

“Crabtree. Eva Crabtree. She’s pretty much a bitch on wheels. One minute, she’s nice, and the next, she insults you. And she’s been hanging a promotion over my head—”

She stopped short.

“Yeah? What about it?” I asked.

“Oh, nothing,” she said, shaking her head.

Hmmm. What was that all about?

“Hey, you want to hit the road?” I asked. “I don’t have anything going on tomorrow but I think you might have to go to work.”

She took a quick look at her watch. “Ugh. You had to remind me,” she said, shaking her head.

“Well, the car’s out front. We can go anywhere we want.” I knew where I wanted to go. But I was a patient man.

I paid the check.

“You’re very beautiful, you know,” I said as we settled into the car’s backseat.

She looked down. “Thank you.”

I hooked a finger under her chin to bring her mouth to mine. Her lips were everything I thought they’d be—soft, warm, delicious, and full of possibility.

Chapter 13


Karaoke! Now that was a surprise.

What wasn’t a surprise were all the women in the bar—and some men—who stared at Brade. And he was completely oblivious to it. A few even started to approach our table, but I scared them off with my bitch face.

Again, he took no notice.

I hated for the evening to end. Brade was great company, not to mention handsome as hell, but I had to work the next morning, and honestly, I was a bit tired from my date at the gallery with Anson the night before. And Von the night before that.

Dates three nights in a row. With three very exceptional men. Wasn’t I the little hussy?

But I wasn’t going to worry about that just then. I was in the backseat of a limo, in Brade’s arms, and it was pretty freaking breathtaking. And, he’d shared a very personal story with me.

At first, his kiss was soft, but the second I parted my lips, he pressed against mine with a passion that took my breath away. L

ike he was dying of thirst and I was his glass of water. There was something about him that was so familiar and comfortable, even though we’d really only just met. When I thought about it, it was weird to be with a rock star, but when I looked at him as just a normal guy, there was nothing out of the ordinary.

He pushed a button that raised a dark window between us and the limo driver. I wasn’t sure what he had up his sleeve, but I couldn’t wait to find out. In fact, I found myself in the mood to take over. So, I did.
