Page 85 of Hunting the Alpha

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I ignored Grace’s yelp at Kyran snatching her off Oscar’s back, aiming for my mate. My wolf was at the edge, snapping at the bit, needing to take over, to claim his territory, to protect all that was ours.

A glaze of rage fell across my vision. The human in me didn’t have much of a stance to fight off the animal within when I was on the same page. I took hold of Savannah and tugged her toward me...

“Donovan,” she snapped. “What the hell are you doing?”

“Mine,” I growled, a roar grumbling beneath it. I picked her up and wrapped her legs around my waist, needing to make sure they were around me and not Sam. She’d got too fucking close to having her pussy rubbing against the back of another wolf, so it was either me kiss her and remind her of who she belonged to or kill one of my own.

I shoved my tongue down her throat, drowning out her pleas. She resisted for like a second, then responded so readily to me, kissing me back, feeding her fingers in my hair, I moaned against it.

Harrison tapped on my shoulder, but I barely registered.

“Remember where you are, brother,” he reminded me, just about getting through to the human.

“Fuck,” I said against Savannah’s mouth, lowering her to the floor. But it pleased me to see her eyes fogged, her lips swollen with my kisses, and her hair mussed up.

“What the fuck!” Everleigh yelled into the night, shoving through the people surrounding us to get a better look.

“Ah shit,” I whispered, letting Savannah wiggle free from my grasp. But she wasn't going far. I kept her close, tucking her beneath my arm and away from Sam.

Max strolled over behind Everleigh, trying not to laugh. Jason tried to stop her but missed his opportunity.

“Who the hell is she!” Everleigh demanded with tears in her eyes.

Savannah tried to step away from me again, but I wouldn’t allow it. It was time to face the shit storm head-on. “She’s my mate.”

“Your mate?” Everleigh’s eyes widened as she fell back a few steps. “Since when?”

Noticing everyone gathered, watching the show, I offered my hand to her. “Let’s take this inside.”

“Oh hell no! You might wish to shove our fucking under the carpet Donovan Darman, but you will not hide this! You said there was no one else!”

“There wasn’t …”

“Is that right?” said Savannah, using the distraction to slip away successfully this time.

I turned to her. “I don’t mean it like that!” Kyran’s chuckling grated on me. “Shut the fuck up, Kyran!”

Grace punched his shoulder. “You’re just as bad, you overprotective idiot!” She marched off and Kyran ran after her like a lost pup.

“Grace! Wait!”

Gen stepped up beside Savannah and fed her arm through hers, daring me to cross a line. I growled, not needing anyone to protect my mate but me. But before I could do anything about it, Everleigh punched me in the face. It barely hurt, but she’d had the audacity to hit an alpha in front of his pack and I wasn’t about to let that slide. No matter how hurt she was. I caught her hand before she could land a second one on me and shoved her toward Jason. “Keep your girlfriend in line.”

Jason rushed to help, but Everleigh elbowed him in the nose before he could fully grab her. She headed for Savannah, her fingers clawed.

Gen got in her path. “You don’t want to mess with Savannah, sweetheart. Trust me.”

“The skanky ‘ho slept with my man, you stupid bitch. Now let me through!” She shoved Gen aside, but Savannah didn’t like that. Before any of us could react she caught hold of Everleigh’s arm and twisted it up her back so she couldn’t move. With one swoop of her leg, Savannah knocked Everleigh hard against the ground.

“Hey!” Jason roared, heading for Savannah. I was about to tear off the fucker’s head until Savannah dropkicked him. He landed beside Everleigh, and goddamn that turned me on to fuck.

Savannah glared at me for putting her in such a situation. She stormed off with Gen at her heels.

Kyran returned looking solemn to see Everleigh screaming in anger. Jason was scrambling to try and help her up.

“What’s going on?”

“You’re their fucking alpha. Pull them in line!”
