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He sounded almost…sincere.

It was impossible to think that, especially given that he was a criminal, a liar, and someone who seemed intent on destroying my life.

I laughed, the sound bitter, angry, but not nearly as bitter and angry as I was inside.

He looked at me, those dark eyes soulful, pleading for me to speak.

So I did the worst possible thing I could have done.

I told the truth.

“I was actually stupid enough to think it meant something.”

Saying the words out loud sent a shiver of disgust through my body. Reinforced how embarrassing and pathetic I was.

“What do you mean?” he asked, his brows furrowed.

“I want to fucking punch you,” I whispered, the anger in my voice unfamiliar to me. So was my desire to do violence to him. Other than Keenan, I’d never wanted to hurt someone, but as mad as Keenan had made me, as much as he had hurt me, that pain and rage was nothing compared to what Davit made me feel.

“Please don’t,” he responded, his cool sending my anger that much higher.

I took slow, deep breaths, and when I was finally a little bit calmer, I looked at him again.

“I won’t. Besides, you would probably kick my ass. And I would deserve it for being so stupid,” I muttered.

“I don’t hit women,” he said.

“How noble,” I countered.

“What are you going on about, Amethyst?”

“Why do you call me that?” I said quietly.

He shrugged. “It seems more like you than Amy.”

“And what the fuck do you know about me?”

“I know you swear a lot more at home than you do at work.”

“Not usually. That’s just a reaction to being around you,” I responded, glaring at him.

He had the nerve to smile, and I looked away from him.

It was at least a temporary reprieve from the embarrassment, but I couldn’t believe how naive I had been.


That thought made me want to cry, but I refused to do so.

I could hear him approaching me and stiffened when he touched my shoulders.

He turned me to face him, and I met his eyes, hoping that he couldn’t read my emotions.

“Stupid enough to think what meant something?” he asked.
