Page 199 of The Long Way Home

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He whispers loud enough for everyone to hear, “That’s not what you said last night—”

“Okay—” Beej rolls his eyes. “We get it, you guys had sex.”

Julian’s face falters.

“Are you talking to me?”

BJ looks up at him indifferently.


“Yeah, I am.”

Julian cocks his head to the side. “If you’ve got something to say, big man, say it.”

Beej nods his head towards the door. “You want to take this outside?”

I shake my head at him, staring at him in disbelief. “BJ—”

Julian gets a dangerous look in his eye. “Love to.”

BJ stands.

I turn around to face Julian — plant my hand on his chest. “Julian.”

“Woah, woah—” Jonah jogs over. “What’s going on?”

BJ waves his hand invitingly. “Go on—”

“Beej—” I whip my head around to scowl at him. Julian shakes his head, grinning in a way that makes me nervous. He points at him.

“You better check your boy, Jo. That didn’t not sound like a threat.”

BJ cocks a smile he shouldn’t and shrugs. “You know what? I think you’re all talk, man.”

“Do you?” Julian licks the corner of his crooked smile. “Are you willing to stake your life on that?”

“Easy—” I turn around, holding his face in my hand. “Look at me.” I give him a look. “In no world. Do you understand?”

Jonah grabs him by the shoulders, shakes them jovially. He’s playing it off well but he’s nervous. “Let’s go to my office, lad.” Jonah nods back to it before looking over at BJ. “And you, pull your fucking head in, you git.”

Julian clocks me, lifting an eyebrow. He knows I don’t like drugs. “You mind?”

I do mind, actually, but I shrug like I don’t because I’d do anything to diffuse this. He grabs me by the waist and kisses me more than he needs to. “Be back soon.”

I wait about three seconds before speed-walking to the bar. I can feel a bit of a panic coming on. A shot. Something to take the edge off.

I get to the bar, lean over it. Pour myself a double in a tumbler. A bartender clocks me but they know I’m with Jonah. I look back at BJ, watching after me. Henry’s speaking to him — yelling at him, maybe — but he’s just locked on me.

I drink the drink quickly. Pour another and wait. He’ll come to me. I know it. I can feel him like a fishing line in the water I can’t see.

He stands next to me. “Oi—”

I steady myself and don’t move my arm from how he’s brushed his up against it. I look up at him. “Hey.”

He grimaces. “Sorry about before.”

I shake my head at him. “What were you thinking?”
