Page 279 of The Long Way Home

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He gives me a smile. It’s sad and quick. “Like I’m not good enough.”

“BJ.” I blink at him and my mind floods with a million memories and thoughts I have to prove him wrong.

“—You ready to go?” Julian appears, tossing an arm around me.

“Oh.” I glance up at him with a startled smile. “Sure. Yeah—”

BJ gives me a tight smile. “See you.” He nods his head at Jules.

I swallow heavy, barely holding his eyes. “Bye.”

Julian takes my hand in his and we walk out into a waiting car of his.

I’m quiet as we drive and he doesn’t say anything for a while either, just watching me.

“You okay?” he asks eventually.

“Yeah.” I nod.

“What happened?”

I give him a weak smile as I shake my head. “You don’t want to hear about it.”

He stares at me for a few seconds. “Tell me.”

I swallow. “We slept together.”

His head pulls back in surprise and his whole face tenses in a quick but genuine anger.

“In Italy?”

“No.” I roll my eyes, touch his arm. “No, remember ages ago… before we—” I gesture between us. “You and me… you know… whatever. He and I slept together, he told me he loved me—”

I don’t want to keep going.

“Oh.” He nods. “Right. I remember.”

I purse my mouth. “But he was with Jordan at the time still. So he cheated on her—”

“—With you.” He nods.

I nod. “Yes.”

“You think he’s going to do it again?” Julian guesses.

“I don’t know,” I say, not meeting his eyes.

Julian shrugs a bit, indifferent to all of it. “Maybe he will.”

I look up at him. “Do you think?”

“People who love each other hurt each other all the time.” He elbows me. “You should know, you’re a fucking pro at that.”

I give him a dark look before asking in a small voice, “So you think he’ll do it again?”

“I didn’t say that either—” He scratches his jaw, tired. “Listen, boys like Ballentine are born into families where they’re taught that they have to do the right thing all the time for him to be accepted.”

“How odd.” I roll my eyes sarcastically.
