Page 24 of The Ranger's Baby

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Sunny satin silence in a dark corner of the porch. They’d been doing these nightly watches for three weeks and while he agreed with his captain that they were necessary, they were also boring as hell. It left his mind with way too much time to wander.

Until tonight, his thoughts had bounced back and forth between his time in the army to his childhood. While both timeframes had some wonderful memories, the ones his brain gave him were always the worst.

He must have given off a vibe that said something wasn’t right tonight because Cap joined him on the porch around eleven. He said nothing, just sat down next to him and handed him a mug of fresh coffee. They sipped in silence, but eventually Sunny talked because he knew Cap wouldn’t go away until he did.

“I went to a club in Vegas back in July before you guys came out here.”

Cap nodded. Sunny didn’t have to tell him about his preferences. They’d gone to clubs together stateside and overseas for years.

“I just needed to blow off steam, you know?”

Another nod.

“When I got the call, though, it wasn’t for a submissive. It was for a woman who wanted to lose her virginity.”

Cap lifted one eyebrow, but still didn’t say anything. Sunny knew Cap would never breathe a word of what he said.

“She wanted one night and done, but when I got there and realized that she had no experience—”

“Wait, none?”

It was Sunny who nodded this time. “A total virgin. I don’t think she’d ever even been kissed.”

“And I’m assuming the she is Laura.”

Sunny snapped his gaze to his captain’s.

“It wasn’t hard to read the signs, man.”

Sunny shrugged, uncomfortable that anyone could see what he was feeling. Especially since he didn’t know what the hell he was feeling.

“I guess not. It’s still awkward. I told Eagle about it earlier.”

“What did he say?”

Sunny smirked. “Not much. Just asked if it was going to be a problem.”

“What did you tell him?”

“Of course, it won’t.”

They sat quietly for a few minutes before Cap spoke up again. “So, how long did you stay with her?”

“The entire weekend.”

Cap whistled between his teeth. Sunny knew why, too. As far as Cap knew, Sunny had never spent more than a few hours with the same woman. Let alone days.

“So what’s your plan now?” Cap asked.

Sunny blew out a breath. It was a good question, but he had a feeling his answer wasn’t going to fly with Cap.

“Nothing. Just be friendly.”


“That’s right.”
