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Ishut my door and slump against it, mind whirling.

I got married last night.Holy crap.As I try to make sense of everything that happened between Nick and I, I pull my phone out of my purse and see there’s a message. It’s from Jazz and I hit play:“Hey, girl, I’m just calling to make sure you aren’t holed up in your room, all alone. Your butt better be downstairs in that slinky red dress having a drink. Love you, babe.”

Well, I definitely didn’t spend last night alone, I think, and feel the tender ache between my legs. My insides melt when I think about how Nick took his time with me. He was so tender and gentle. I can’t imagine any other man treating me like he did and I’m so glad I waited for him.

For my husband.

God.I’m still trying to wrap my head around it. How that silly game turned into something so much more. He leaned his head in and his voice came out so very low when he asked, “Truth or Dare?”

“Dare,” I whispered.

“Marry me,” he said.

Maybe I should be wondering if I made a huge mistake, but if I listen to my heart, the answer is no. And, maybe that’s crazy. Maybe we’re both crazy. But, if this is what crazy feels like, I’m all in.

It occurred to me as I was leaving that Nick might have regrets, but he said no.Hell, no.And, he seemed happy and in a good mood. The complete opposite of how he behaved yesterday during the shoot. It’ll be interesting to see how he acts toward me today.

I know that he can’t possibly love me. Not yet, anyway, but I’m hoping the more time we spend together, the more his feelings will grow. Already, I can feel myself falling for him. Falling hard.

I decide that I’m going to be the best wife and partner in the world. I’ll take care of him, support him and maybe even learn how to cook. I still want to work another year or two, but maybe I won’t have to and can start school now.

So many thoughts flood my mind as I step into the shower and I’m really looking forward to seeing what the future brings.

When I get to the set, the makeup and hair crews descend and, by the time Nick shows up a couple of hours later, I’m the complete opposite character I was yesterday. Instead of angelic, I’m a temptress. My makeup is dark and smoky, my outfits today are more sexy and my hair is that perfect mussed bedhead.

When Nick walks onto set, he takes one look at me and pauses. I hope he’s happy with the look they created. After yesterday, everyone tenses up, preparing for him to glower and start barking what he wants changed. Instead, he walks over to me, gaze moving from my head to my feet. “She looks amazing, thank you,” he says and I think I hear the crew let out a collective sigh of relief.

“Savannah, can we talk quick?” he asks.

I slide off the stool and follow him over to a corner where we have some privacy. “Hi,” I whisper, fighting back the urge to stand up on my tiptoes and kiss him.

“Hi, sweetheart,” he murmurs. He glances over my shoulder at everyone and then back to me. “Let’s keep last night our secret for now, okay?”

“From the crew, you mean?”

“Right. It’s really not their business and I want everyone to focus on the shoot, not ask us a bunch of personal questions.”

“Sure. That makes sense.”

“Good girl.” His heated gaze moves over me again and his mouth edges up. “You look like sex on a stick, by the way.”

I smile. “Good enough to eat?” I ask.

He groans low under his breath. “It’s taking every ounce of my self-control to not pull you into my arms right now and kiss you senseless.”

I feel a bunch of curious eyes on us and I bat my lashes on him. “Good.”

Unlike yesterday, the second half of the photo shoot goes smoothly and Nick’s attitude toward me has the crew exchanging looks. They don’t understand how he did such a complete 180 degrees, going from pompous prick to pleased photographer.

Because today, I can do no wrong. He compliments me nonstop, encouraging me with positive words. After each shot, he’s nodding and telling me how great I’m doing. And, he’s slipping in a lot of endearments like “sweetheart,” “gorgeous,” and “baby.”

I model even better than yesterday because I thrive under the positivity he’s showering over me. Yesterday, I felt like a wilting plant stuck in the desert heat while today, it’s like the rain has brought me back to life and I’m flourishing.

Everything goes so well that we finish early. The good mood on set is contagious and as we wrap up, several people slant sly smiles in my direction. “Whatever you did to smooth things over, thank you,” Leah, the makeup girl, says. “Believe me when I say we all thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”

I can’t help but blush. Oh, my gosh, if she only knew.

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