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Nick and I are the last ones on set and, after saying goodbye to the last person, we hop in an Uber and go back to the hotel. “What do you think?” he asks. “Should we spend another night in Vegas or head home after we eat?”

“I wouldn’t mind getting back tonight,” I say.

“Yeah, me neither. We have some things to figure out,” he says. “I’d like you to move into the beach house with me.”

I can honestly say that I never thought I’d be living on the beach in Malibu. “You mean you don’t want to move into my tiny apartment in crowded Hollywood?”

He chuckles. “Nah. I think you’ll like Malibu better.”

“Me, too. I will miss my neighbors, though,” I add.

“They can visit,” he says and reaches for my hand. When he twines his fingers through mine, I think about tonight and once again being alone with Nick. But, this time, we will be in his bed. My stomach flips and I squeeze his hand.

This is all so new. I’ve never had a serious relationship or been in love and now I’m suddenly married to a man I hardly know. In the back of my head, I know I have to tell my parents, but I’m in no hurry. I have no idea how they’ll take it and I’m still trying to figure the whole situation out myself. I know they’re going to have a million and one questions so I want to make sure I know the answers before I break the news.

Back at The Cosmopolitan, I change into a little dress and sandals and we head down to Holstein’s Shakes and Buns. It’s casual and offers all kinds of delicious burgers and a wide selection of craft beers. My eyes widen when I see their signature Bam-Boozled, alcohol-infused milkshakes and I consider ordering one, but since I'll probably pass out from the sugar rush, I decide to skip it.

Nick orders a burger smothered in cheese, bacon and tomatoes and I get a Caesar salad which turns out to be huge. I steal a fry off his plate and swipe it through the ketchup. “What’s your favorite food?” I ask and pop it in my mouth.

“Probably my Mom’s homemade macaroni and cheese. It’s the best thing ever.”

“I’ll have to get the recipe from her,” I say.

Something flickers through his eyes before he asks me the same question. “My Mom’s a good cook, too,” I tell him. “And her chicken and dumplings are my favorite.”

Nick swallows a sip of beer and eyes me. “How do you think your parents are going to react to us getting married?”

“Usually, as long as I’m happy, they’re happy. What about yours?”

“I’m going to have to explain about Margo and then you. It’ll be interesting, that’s for sure.”

“They’re in California?”

He nods. “Simi Valley.”

“Well, I look forward to meeting them. What should I know?”

Nick shrugs a wide shoulder and wipes his mouth with a napkin. “We’re originally from New York and I moved my mom and stepdad out here a few years ago. No brothers or sisters. So, my mom’s been pushing me to settle down and give her some grandkids.”

“And, she assumes that’s going to happen with Margo.”


I take a sip of water and know I’m going to be so nervous when I meet his mom. “I hope she’s not disappointed,” I say. “Were she and Margo close?”

“Margo and my mother?” He laughs. “Hardly.”

I wait for him to tell me more.

“Margo likes the finer things in life and my parents are from Buffalo. Let’s just say they didn’t have a lot in common.”

“But, do they approve of her?”

Another shrug. “I guess. I mean, I never really asked.”

Well, at least they weren’t best friends, I think. It makes me feel better and gives me hope that his parents will give me a fair chance. “You said stepdad. Your parents are divorced?”

“Yeah. They separated a long time ago.”
