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Capri is absolutely breathtaking. The island, located in Italy’s Bay of Naples, has a rugged landscape, upscale hotels and a cove-studded coastline full of floating yachts. This should be the most exciting trip of my life, but I can’t seem to enjoy any of it.

All I can do is think about Nick.

I haven’t heard a word from him since he left my apartment that night after I confronted him about his inheritance. Not a call, not a text, nothing. His silence is louder than anything he could say, though.

It’s quite clear that he is done with me. Done with our marriage. He got what he wanted so what else is there?

I just don’t understand how he was capable of turning so cold, so fast. I don’t think I’ve stopped crying since I left L.A. and arrived here. And, now, I’m supposed to go on the biggest job of my career and pose with Simon LaFleur, the top male model in the world, when all I want to do is crawl into my bed and continue sobbing my eyes out.

I know I look terrible with puffy eyes and dark circles. I’ve lost weight and that’s not good because it makes me look skeletal. God, they’re probably going to think I’m a heroin addict or something. The makeup team definitely has their work cut out for them.

When I arrive on set, it’s a stunning spot, with rocky cliffs and bright blue sea. And, I instantly think of Nick. I can only imagine the shots he would be able to capture here. But, no, Nick’s gone. He doesn’t need me anymore. Doesn’t want me anymore.

The crew greets me warmly, but it’s pretty clear something is wrong with me. My normal friendliness and constant smile is long-gone and sadness emanates from every pore. I can’t even hide it.

Veronica, the photographer, is already there and greets me enthusiastically. She starts going over her vision and I nod numbly. Then, a car pulls up and everyone watches Simon LaFleur get out. He’s about 6’2” with a slim build and Golden Boy good looks.

Simon heads over to us and embraces Veronica. I guess they worked together before. Then, he turns those emerald green eyes on me and grabs me in a huge hug, too. “Bonjour ma beauté,” Simon says in a French accent. “It’s so nice to finally be able to work with you, Savannah. I’ve been looking forward to it.”

I force a smile. “Thank you. That’s sweet.” I remember Nick telling me what a player Simon is so I don’t want to encourage him too much by being over-friendly. But, really what does it matter? Maybe flirting with Simon will help me feel better. Force me to get over Nick.

Yeah, right.That’s just wishful thinking on my part. I don’t think I’m ever going to be able to get over Nick Knight. He’s a part of my soul now.

“You two are going to look amazing together,” Veronica says, looking us both over closely. “With your similar coloring and complementary features…” She gives a little victory punch in the air. “I have a feeling this shoot is going to be epic.”

“Yes,” Simon practically purrs and leans into me. “I have a very good feeling, too.”

Ugh. We’ve been together for two minutes and he’s already trying to get into my pants. I can feel it in the way he looks at me and it’s starting to make me uncomfortable. If he tries anything, I’m just going to have to be clear with him that I’m not interested and that I have a husband. Even though my husband wants nothing to do with me, Simon doesn’t need to know that.

After the usual couple of hours getting hair, makeup and wardrobe done, Veronica motions us over to the edge of the sea where there’s a huge cluster of rocks. Every so often the waves hit and the ocean sprays up into the air. She’ll probably be able to get some good shots if she times it just right, but I have a feeling I’m about to get soaked.

Veronica tells us to climb up onto the rocks and I study the tall, jagged boulders warily. I’m wearing crazy tall heels and the last thing I want to do is slip and fall. I take a step up and when I wobble, Simon reaches down and offers a hand. “Come on, grab on. I’ve got you, ma chérie.”

Without much of an option, I grab his hand and he lifts me up onto the top of the rock beside him. Veronica tells me to lay on my back and she wants Simon on top of me. We’re supposed to gaze into each other’s eyes like we’re in love.

I suppress a sigh and lay down. The hard slab is uneven and jagged and presses into my back making it almost painful. I try to get more comfortable, but then Simon drops down and stretches over me, pushing me even harder into the rocks.

Suck it up, Savvy.Every photo shoot isn’t going to be a pleasure cruise. This is work, an amazing job you’re lucky to have, and you’re getting paid a ridiculous amount of money to be in Capri and work with a gorgeous man and talented photographer.

I keep repeating this mantra, hoping it will help turn my attitude around. Because I am grateful for the opportunity. I just can’t keep my head straight and I find myself thinking back to the Vegas shoot.

Nick started off like the biggest jerk in the world, but I couldn’t get over how attractive he looked sitting at the bar at Beauty & Essex, sipping his Jack on the rocks. There was something about him that drew me in and made me want to get to know him better. He intrigued me like no other man ever had before.

After he apologized on set and invited me to dinner at the Stratosphere, I remained wary, but still interested. He was so much fun that night. There’s no one else I would’ve wanted to run all over the city with and act so silly.

We drank, danced, kissed, played and got married.

That was the best night of my life and, even though I’m sad now, I wouldn’t change a thing.

“Savannah! Head up!”

When I hear Veronica's direction, I snap back to the present and try to focus. I know I’m doing a half-ass job and that’s not good. I don’t want to mess up this opportunity or the client’s campaign so I give myself a mental shake and look up into Simon’s green eyes.

“All good?” he asks.

I nod even though his heavy body is grinding my back into the jagged rocks.
