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“Wave incoming!” Veronica yells. “Make sure to straighten that leg, Savannah. Here it comes in three, two, one!”

I straighten my leg out, arch my back and gaze up at Simon with what I hope looks like complete infatuation. The ocean shoots up behind us and a wall of sea spray drops and covers us with a salty mist.

We both laugh and I try to blink past the burning in my eyes. Ten waves later, I can’t see at all and my eyes are on fire from the salt water. Simon is facing down so it isn’t affecting him nearly as much. He sees that I’m having a rough time, but he doesn’t look too concerned. He’s more worried about making sure the sun hits his face just right.

I tilt my head toward Veronica. “Can we take a break?” I ask.

“Can you hang in there for a few more waves?” she asks. “I almost have the shot I want.”

Oh, for God’s sake.Nick would’ve gotten the shot on the first take. I clench my teeth and hope I don’t end up going blind.

Finally, after what feels like bloody forever, Simon rolls off me and I sit up. Everything hurts-- my eyes, my back, my butt, my legs. Simon pops up and scales down the rocks with ease, but I have these blasted heels on so I’m forced to slide down which sucks for the back of my thighs and ass.

I think I scrape half my skin off on the way down and I’m starting to get pissed. I don’t mean to act like a diva, but this is ridiculous. I yank the heels off and stomp over to the craft service tent where I grab a water and dab at my eyes.

“Holy shit, Savannah,” JoJo, the makeup artist, exclaims. “Your back is all jacked up. C’mere, darlin’, and let’s put some ice on it.”

I glance over where Veronica and Simon are talking and narrow my eyes. This isn’t going how I would’ve hoped. Obviously, my gloomy thoughts started the downward spiral, but now I think I have a pretty good right to be ticked off.

But, I’ve always prided myself in being a teamplayer. A model who is easygoing and tries hard to do her best at all times. I don’t like drama and I’ve never been one to make waves.

I’ve also never been treated like this. Is my bad mood just turning me into a big cry baby?

I flinch when JoJo presses a bag of ice against my back left shoulder. “That water washed away half your eye makeup,” she grumbles and shakes her head. “What an asinine shot to make you do.”

“Thanks, JoJo,” I say.

I wish I could say the rest of the day gets better, but it doesn’t. Simon is a complete and total narcissist who only cares about how he looks in each shot. He constantly blocks my light and makes sure he’s in the better position. By the end of the day, I don’t even care anymore.

Maybe Nick was right when he tossed out the idea of retiring from modeling and starting vet school. Ultimately, it’s what I want to do. It’s my dream. Modeling used to be a fun way to make money, but maybe when you hit a certain point, the fun goes away.

Because what I’m doing right now isn’t fun. I’d much rather be curled up on the couch next to Nick reading thick textbooks about the anatomy and physiology of animals.


God, I can’t stop thinking about him. A part of me wants to go back to the hotel and text or call him. But, what in the world would I say?

There’s really nothing to say.

Except maybe I love you.

Yeah, right.I’d rather fall off that big rock and drown in the sea than admit that to Nick. He told me without hesitation that he doesn’t believe in love. That life isn’t a fairytale.

Love isn’t for me...I don’t fall in love, Savannah.

If only I thought there was a chance. Even a small one, I’d reach out to him.

But, who am I kidding? Nick made his feelings quite clear.

When we finally wrap for the day, I’m mentally and physically exhausted. Back at the hotel, I pin my hair up, get undressed and take a long soak in the bathtub. I’m stiff and sore so it does wonders. Afterward, as I slip my robe on, there’s a knock at the door.

I’m not expecting anyone, but maybe it’s Veronica. She was probably thoroughly unimpressed with my modeling today and wants to make sure I’ll be better tomorrow. I definitely could use a pep talk, I think, and open the door.

But, it’s not Veronica. It’s Simon and he waltzes right in without being invited.

“Bonsoir, ma chérie,” he says. “I just wanted to check in. You seemed-- how do you say it? Not all present today?”

“Off my game?” I suggest.

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