Page 122 of Casualty of Devotion

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He winks at me, then gets down to business. “Everything is secure and running smoothly. Bryan and I have been screening all the guests.” He leans closer and whispers, “Although Grandma Lucinda is quite a firecracker. She kept wanting me to pat her down and when I refused, she said, ‘I’ll show you how it’s done, cutie’. Then she started patting me down until your grandfather pulled her away.” He leans closer so my mom and Vanessa don’t hear him. “She somehow managed to touch my dick.”

I can’t help the bubble of laughter that breaks free. “I tried to warn you about her. She thinks you are really hot. She told me at dinner last night, ‘He has those husky dog eyes. They just do something to me’. Then she tried pouring water down her shirt, but I stopped her. She was mad at me, bitching that she could have given you a nice show since she was wearing a white shirt.” I shake my head, my eyes twinkling. “I swear she should be Vanessa’s grandma, instead of mine.”

William throws his head back, laughing. “She is something else. And yes, she and Vanessa have a lot in common.” He grows serious, pulling his cell phone from his pocket. “It’s almost showtime. The carriage just arrived for you and your dad. Are you ready?”

“More ready than I’ve ever been in my life.”

William winks at me, then steps away.

“Okay, that is my cue to go.” Vanessa throws her arms around me, my mom on her heels.

“See you out there, baby girl.” She hugs me, then both loop their arms with William’s as he winks and escorts them from the room.

“You ready, kitten?” My dad steps into the room they just vacated, holding his arm out, his brown eyes shining with love and pride.

“Absolutely.” I loop my arm through his and we start out the door to the carriage.

My eyes take in the elaborate, horse-drawn carriage, looking much like something Cinderella would ride in. I feel like I’m in a fairy tale.

My dad helps me in, holding my train so I don’t step on it, and then hops in beside me. I rest my head on his shoulder for a moment, images of my childhood making me feel nostalgic.

“I knew this day would happen. My little girl is all grown up now.” His voice is wistful. “I am thrilled that Max is the one you chose to be your husband. You couldn’t have picked a better man, sweetheart.”

Lifting my head, I wipe the tear that is rolling down my dad’s cheek. “You are absolutely right. He’s the best.”

The carriage pulls us down the road and around the backside of the Gilcrest mansion. As we pull up to the edge of the garden walkway, I suck in a breath as Vanessa walks down the aisle, looking regal in her dress.

Darin is going to flip when he sees her.

The carriage stops and I hear the opening notes of the string quartet. My dad grabs my hand, his eyes twinkling. “That’s our cue.” He exits the carriage, helping me out. As soon as my heels land on the walkway, my head raises, and I lock eyes with the love of my life.


I suck in a breath. He’s never looked more handsome, standing there in his tux, his eyes full of love for me.

Everything fades away as I walk down the aisle, getting closer and closer to the man I’ll spend the rest of my days with.

He steps closer when my dad and I reach the archway. My dad kisses my cheek, then turns back to Max. “She’s all yours, son.”

Max’s eyes shimmer with tears as he takes my hand in his. “I’ll protect her with my life.” Then his eyes move to me and his breath hitches inside his chest. “I’ve never seen you look as beautiful as you do at this moment, my love.”

My breath hitches inside my chest as I stare at the man I love with all of my heart. “Thank you. You look so handsome, Max.”

He winks, pulling my hand to his lips and kissing it, then guides me to the altar.

I meet Vanessa’s gaze and she blows me a kiss. When I turn to face Max, Darin stands behind him, nervously patting his pocket. He winks at me and mouths, “Remember. Lots of blowjobs are key.” I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing.

“Please be seated.” The minister begins speaking, but I’m completely lost in Max’s blue eyes, warmth suffusing my body.

I’m the luckiest woman to have this man look at me like I’m every damn thing in the world to him.

I’m so lost in him, images of our future swirling through my head, that I don’t realize the minister has stopped speaking and is waiting for me to read the vows I have written. Max squeezes my hand, bringing me back to the present.

Blushing, I swallow hard. “Sorry, everyone.” I release a nervous giggle, then take a deep breath and begin speaking from my heart.

“We met during one of the darkest periods of my life. I had no idea how broken I was until I met you.” I pause, choking over the lump in my throat as I drift back to the moment before I met Max, a shadow crossing my heart. I kept everyone at a distance, afraid of being hurt. “I erected walls around my broken heart, a fortress to try and keep everyone out. Until the day I met you.” I let out a breath, the sun shining down on him, making him look ethereal as his soft smile makes me forget everything except him.

Keep it together, Irelynn.
