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“It’s actually not that bad.” He chuckles.

“Told you.” I poke my tongue out at him, but he inches his face closer to mine.

“Don’t tempt me to put that tongue to good use.” His hot breath skates across my lips, sending a shiver down my spine.

“Like what?” I tilt my head to the side, feigning innocence. “Show me.”

“I’ll let your imagination run wild for now.” He presses a soft kiss to my cheek, the tingle from his lips lingering on my skin. Stepping back, he sits down on the pillows, patting the spot beside him. Cohutta is already spread out on the pile, leaving me to wiggle in between them.

Cohutta puts onMy Cousin Vinny,a movie that I absolutely love, and snuggles closer to me. I’m perfectly sandwiched between Rush and Cohutta, with my back resting against Rush’s side and my legs draped over Cohutta’s lap. Tuna lies right next to Cohutta, cuddling up to his side. I feel comfort between these two men, but I know there’s still a piece missing. I hate admitting it, but we aren’t complete until things go back to how they could have been. If they can ever get back to that point.

Being like this reminds me that we’re getting back to having a normal life, one where we don’t have to worry about psychotic exes, gang members, or shitty-ass family members. I’m not sure I truly know what it feels like to be normal, but I’d like it to be less chaotic.

I’m jolted from my thoughts when I hear the click of the back door behind us. Rush goes rigid before jumping up as fast as lightning and accidentally pushing me forward into Cohutta while he goes into defense mode. I wince from the pain but try not to let the guys see.

Looking behind me, I find Marnix standing by the door, looking fucking exhausted. Dark circles rim his eyes as they roam over the scene before him. His attention finally lands on me, scorching into my skin like he has the heat of the sun beaming down on me. Once Rush figures out there’s no threat, he sits back down beside me, ignoring Marnix.

With one look, his ocean blues cut right through me. I can feel his touch all over my body. Every inch of my skin feels like it’s on fire with the way his gaze roams down over the tiny tank and skimpy shorts I’m wearing. He runs his hands through his hair, looking away like he’s ashamed of himself for thinking of me like that.

No one utters a word, but I can feel the tension rising around us. They’re all waiting for me to make my move, but I’m not even sure what my move is. He and I are nowhere near close to being okay, but a part of me also misses him more than I’d like to admit. I miss being in his brooding presence and being surrounded by his grumpy mood, but I’m scared I’ll never be able to forgive him.

Realizing no one is going to say anything, he turns to head back inside. I should let him, but before I can stop it, the word comes out of my mouth. “Wait,” I say quietly, unsure if I actually said it. But I must have because he instantly stops in his tracks. “You…you can stay.” My voice is shaky, but I know it’s what I want. I can’t explain why, but it is. I don’t know if it’s because I actually want him here or if it’s because I don’t want my guilt of keeping him away to ruin the amazing night.

Marnix’s brows shoot up with concern. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, are you sure?” Cohutta cuts in, but I ignore him. Cohutta and Marnix are in the worst place they’ve ever been in, and it’s sad to see how their friendship is in shambles right now.

“Yes. You can stay,” I say more confidently. His shoulders drop, tension emanating from his posture, before slowly moving toward the pillows on the ground. Tuna begins to growl, but Cohutta distracts her by petting her belly.

Marnix awkwardly sits next to Rush, keeping plenty of space between them. I don’t even know if the guys are on talking terms with Marnix, but based on how they’re acting, I’m going to say that’s a no. “You can relax. I’m sure Rush isn’t going to punch you,” I try to joke, but it falls flat.

“I’m not so sure of that,” he says under his breath. I ignore it and go back to watching the movie. We all sit in a tense silence for the next few minutes before everyone seems to relax.

It’s not long before my eyes start to feel heavy. As much as I’d like to say I’m getting back to normal, I still feel exhausted all the time. Every little thing seems to wear me out. I lean against Rush before I start to drift off, with the hope that soon enough, our lives will be significantly less crazy.

Tara peacefully sleeps on the makeshift pallet between me and Reilly. It’s about time she gets some good rest. I’m not surprised she passed out halfway through the movie. She’s been through so much shit lately; she has to be exhausted. A cute little snore escapes from her, making me smile. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Reilly do the same.

I have no idea how it happened so quickly, but this girl is the center of our world. It’s obvious to anyone who can see us with her. Even Nix should know by now. Considering I told him I was crushing on his wife, I’m pretty positive he does.

My heart grew three sizes, expanding with warmth when I saw Tara’s face light up tonight. We went all out trying to make it perfect, but she would’ve been happy with anything. That’s the thing about this girl, she’s pleased by the simplest things, never needing anything fancy. A simple life for a girl that deserves everything and then some.

“It’s getting late. We should get her to bed,” Reilly whispers, careful not to wake her.

“Probably a good idea.” I slowly stand, making sure to not move her too much before gently pulling her into my arms. She stirs slightly, snuggling into my chest. “Rush,” she whispers groggily.

“Yeah, baby. I’ve got you. We’re going to bed.”

“Cohutta too?” Her voice vibrates against my chest.

My eyes meet his captivating, hope-filled grays, and he nods. “Yeah, he’s coming too,” I say, not taking my gaze off his.

“Mmm,” Tara happily hums. “Good.”

I’ve never shared a partner before, but this feels natural and not forced. I’m possessive and territorial over her, but when it comes to Reilly or Nix, I don’t get consumed with jealousy. We could all fit together without any problems and still be happy. Once we get past the current issues plaguing us, I genuinely believe we could all be a power team.

Heading upstairs to Nix’s room, where Tara has completely taken over, Reilly follows at my heels. The possibilities of what could happen next looms in the air. Tara’s sleeping now, but things could change once she hits that bed. Nix follows behind us from a distance, taking a sharp turn into Tara’s old room, probably to get ready to settle in for the night… outside her door.

Once in the room, Reilly rounds the bed and pulls back the blanket so I can lay our sleeping beauty down. I place her in the middle of the bed so there’s enough room for our big bodies to squeeze in on each side of her. As much fun as it was risking my life on the edge of the bed the first night she was back, I’d rather not have to struggle to stay on the soft surface.
