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I sigh. “I know, and I never said anything, but how could you not see the differences in me? How could you believe I’d turn to drugs or that I suddenly became a shy, reclusive girl?” It’s hard to not feel like they should’ve seen the signs of my change when he and I were together. I don’t want to blame them, but how could they not know I was dying inside?

“I’m so sorry. I’m so, so, so sorry. This is my fault. I pushed him on you. I convinced your mom he was worth it, that he’d be good for our family,” my dad whispers, his voice cracking with so much guilt.

“Tara, we…We thought you were happy. You were changing, yes, but we thought you were maturing and becoming a woman in a new relationship.” Sadness paints Mama’s beautiful face.

“But I wasn’t even myself anymore. I was a ghost; I was hollow. You should’ve been able to see that!” I cry. Lya calmly sits beside me, but the anger she is radiating is evident. She’s biting her tongue even though she wants to yell at them too.

“I don’t know what to say. We should have known. We should have paid better attention, but we thought you were in love. We thought this was a good match and that he was treating you like he did when we were around. We’re your parents, and we failed you. I don’t know how we missed it,” my mother admits.

“There’s more.” I continue telling them everything that has happened. They need to know it all. I explained to them everything that he did to me the first time around and everything he did to me this last time. By the time I’m done, every single one of us is sobbing, with tears soaking our faces.

The entire room is spinning, and nausea rolls through me. I’ve laid it all out on the table, and it feels good knowing that they know now. That they’ll no longer try to push me toward Zayan.

“Where is he now?” My dad's angry voice cuts through the silent sobs.

“We don’t know,” I admit.

“What do you mean you don’t know?” The confusion is clear, but it’s the best answer I can give. It’s terrifying not knowing where he is, but I have to trust that my guys will keep me safe in the meantime. We’ll find him, and when we do, I want to be one to get rid of my demon.

“I escaped, and he’s been missing ever since. We think he’s hiding out and waiting until he can attack when our guards are down,” I sigh.

“We need to find him. Maybe we can reach out to his parents?” Papa suggests.

“No! Absolutely not. You will stay out of this. You will not contact them, and you will not let them know you know this. They could be helping him, and I don’t want to put you at risk.” I can’t let my parents get in the middle of this. They need to stay far away because I can’t let them get hurt.

“Tara…” they both speak at the same time.

“No, you will stay out of it. I need you to be safe,” I demand.

“Are you safe?” my dad asks. I don’t know if I’ll ever truly be safe, but I have a crew that will do everything they can to make me feel that way.

“Yes. I’m protected. I’ll be protected until this all blows over, even when I return to Star of India to work.” I confirm.

“By that Marnix gentleman and that man who showed up the night Zayan left with you?”

I nod. “They won’t let anything happen to me.” I’ll have them to keep me safe until I’m fully healed. Once that happens, I’m leaving Craibridge. They don’t know that yet and won’t until I’m far away. They’ll try to stop me, but Zayan’s obsession won’t end, and I refuse to let the people I care about get hurt because of me.

“You’re going back to work?” It’s Lya this time who asks the question.

“Of course I am. They need me, and I need something to occupy my mind.” I need to say goodbye to the place I love so dearly before running as far as possible.

“Are you sure?” She keeps pressing.

“Yes.” I nod my head before standing. I’m uneasy, and my skin is on fire right now from embarrassment and guilt. I need air and some space. “I…I think I should go now. It’s getting late. We can talk about this more when I’m ready,” I say quickly. Before my parents have a chance to say anything, I spin on my heels and rush toward the door. They call behind me, and Lya walks quickly beside me, but I ignore them.

The moment I step outside, I suck in as much air as possible. My chest heaves as I hyperventilate, trying to get my bearings. Lya rubs my back while I fold over on the sidewalk. Before this goes too far, I straighten and search out the face that brings me so much comfort. Rush stands by the car, and as soon as our eyes meet, I run toward him as fast as my body will go.

My pulse pounds in my head, making it hard to focus. The tightness in my chest pulling like a string ready to snap in half. My whole body is screaming for me to storm in there. I need to protect her. This could end up being a trap too. What if he’s in there? What if he somehow got to her while I’ve been standing out here? I can’t seem to quiet my mind with all the possibilities of him hurting her.

I fucking hate this.

I hate that I can’t see her, that she’s in that house without me. The same house she was in when I lost her. Fear fills me with madness. I want to run in there, scoop her off her feet, and take her far away from here where no one else can find her.

The need for her to be in my arms to make sure she’s still here, alive, safe, and protected is overriding.

Each minute that ticks by drags on like it’s been an eternity. Nerves creep through my body as time passes. She’s been in there for so long, I’m going crazy with worry. If she doesn’t come out in five damn minutes, I’m storming in there. I’m not sure I’ll even be able to last that long. She’s got me so bent out of shape that I’m starting to think I might need to get some help from how obsessive I’m being.

As soon as the thought crosses my mind, Tara barrels out of the house with Lya hot on her heels. Her eyes are red and puffy looking like she’s been crying. I hate seeing her cry, but damn, does it feel good to see her again and to know that she’s coming back to me this time.
