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She sucks in some air before running to me, slamming into my body as she wraps her tiny arms around my waist, squeezing as hard as she can. My whole body sags in relief against her warmth, letting go of the tension I was holding onto. I pull her closer, never wanting this moment to end.

“Rush,” Tara breathes.

“You okay, baby?”

She nods, her wet cheeks rubbing against my shirt. “Yeah, I’m just happy to see you. Thank you for being here.” Fuck, I love hearing those words come from her sweet mouth.

I hated being away from her even though that’s what she needed. She needed that open and honest conversation with her parents, to tell them everything she’s been through.

I’m proud of her for doing what she needed to do. As much as I wanted to be in there, what she had to say to her parents needed to be the main focus. She was right. I’m glad Lya was able to go and be her support. She wouldn’t let anything happen to Tara, but then again, it doesn’t compare to having my own eyes on her.

“You ready to go?” I’m prepared to get as far away from this place as we can. It brings up bad memories for me, so I can’t even imagine how Tara feels about being here. This home is one she grew up in with her family, but it’s also the place where Nix handed her over to Zayan willingly.

“Yeah, let’s go home.”

She pulls away from me, turning to Lya. “Thank you for coming with me. You were my rock in there, Lya. It was scary to say all those things. However, with you by my side, it made it a bit easier.”

Lya pulls her into a tight hug, holding her protectively. “Of course. I’ll always be here if you need anything.”

“I know,” Tara responds, leaning back to look into Lya’s eyes. “You wanna hang out tomorrow? I’m not sure I’m up for our workout sessions yet, but we can find something to do. Maybe a girls’ day with Lainey?”

Lya’s gaze lights up as a smile spreads across her face. “Does Thiago have an unhealthy obsession withPrincess Bride?” Okay, that was random.What does that have to do with anything?

Tara rolls her eyes. “Ugh, yes. Annoyingly so. If I have to hear “As you wish” one more time I’m going to cut my ears off.”

Lya laughs loudly. “Then there’s your answer. I’ll see you tomorrow.”Okay, that was a weird inside joke.

Tara shoves Lya’s shoulder playfully. “Can’t wait.”

Lya waves goodbye to me before hopping in her car and driving off.

“Let’s go home, handsome.” Tara grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers and leading me to the car.

I shake my head. There’s something I want to do first. Something I need to do, even if it might hurt me in the long run. “Actually, I have other plans for us.” She stops abruptly, spinning toward me, her green eyes glimmering with interest.

“Oh yeah? Where are we going?”

Pushing her back against the car, I press my body into hers. My cock reacts on instinct, hardening from the feel of her soft curves. “It’s somewhere that’s important and special to me.” I lean in, kissing her like she’s the air I need to breathe. I’ve rejected her twice before, and I’ll never do that again.

With one last kiss, I pull back, leaving her breathless. As much as I’m tempted by the lust in her gaze, I need to show her my greatest mistake. A place that still holds onto me so tightly that it fucks me up inside. “Rush, please. I need you.”

Brushing a piece of raven hair behind her ear, I don’t break our heated stare. “I want you, too, but we need to go somewhere first.” My hips instinctively move, my hard cock grinding into her stomach, pulling the sweetest sounding moan from her. My mind might be fucked, but my body sure can’t tell.

“Please,” she begs. “You can take me home and we can finish this first. I’m ready. I promise.”

Fuck, that’s so tempting.

But I can’t have sex with her and move forward in our relationship until she knows what I did. She deserves to know everything about me so she can decide whether or not she still wants me.

“Later, baby. We’ve got all the time in the world. This is important to me, and I want you to know everything about me, the good and bad.”

She groans, looking up at me with a pout. “Okay, okay, fine. Take me to this special place.”

“Don’t sound so excited,” I say sarcastically, helping her into the car before sliding behind the driver’s seat.

The place I’m taking her has haunted me for years. It’s a reminder of the worst day of my life. I go there often to make sure I never forget what I did. I never want to forget that I’m fortunate enough to still have the life that I do. It fucks with my head every time I go, but I can’t stop myself. It’s a need that drives me, or maybe it’s guilt. Either way, I come to remember that life isn’t always what you expect it to be, and it can be taken away sooner than you think.

I don’t know what she’ll think of me after this. She might push me away, but I have to do this. She’s poured her heart out to me, allowing me to see all the trauma she’s endured; I can do the same.

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