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“Ha. Ha. Very funny,” he quips back. “What are you looking at?” His eyes roam over the multitude of screens I have pulled up.

“Just trying to go through everything that was linked to your father.” I’ve found a few things that could be suspicious, but nothing that indicates he was linked to the Draaks like Nix thinks.

“Find anything yet?” He leans back, stretching out in the chair looking more relaxed than I’ve seen him in a while.

“A few things, but nothing that seems like it’s related to the Draaks.” I look at him, realizing something seems different about him. “What’s wrong with you? Why are you…happy?” I can’t focus on this other stuff until he explains what has him acting so weird.

“Nothing's wrong with me,” he quickly spits out.

Bullshit. “You’re acting weird.”

He stares at the screen in front of him, not able to meet my gaze. “How am I acting?”

“You’re being oddly giddy for someone who’s usually a very direct asshole. You’re a little too relaxed.” I cut the shit, trying to get right to the point.

“Well, just say how you really feel.” He takes in a deep breath before continuing because he knows I’m just going to keep asking. “I think Tara is finally ready to give me a chance. I don’t want to fuck it up, man, but she’s finally opening up to me. She said she’s willing to try again.” The smile spread across his face is contagious because it has me smiling like an idiot too.

“Did she say that?” I want to make sure that he’s not getting false hope or dreaming up false realities. He’s been dying to get her attention since she’s been back, constantly aching for even a fleeting moment of her time.

“Yeah, man. She said that she is willing to give us another chance but wants me to let her have control and go at her pace.” The happiness in his voice has me happy for him. I knew they’d slowly get back to a better place, I just had no idea when that would be.

“Well, I’m happy for you two. That’s great.” The thing about Tara is that I want her so deeply to the point that I feel as if I’m going mad, but I want her to have everything she wants. If her happiness includes all three of us, then I’m game for whatever that brings.

“I…uh…I know you and Reilly have a relationship with her too, and not going to lie, it’s a little strange, but I’m willing to give it a shot if it means I get to have her in my life.” Nix looks a bit embarrassed with this conversation. He’s not used to giving up control in any aspect of his life so it’s huge for him to admit that. And he’s definitely not used to sharing.

“Reilly and I aren’t going anywhere. We want to be with her just as much as you do. So if you’re cool with it, then there won’t be any problems.” I’ll fight hard for this girl and if he can’t get past all of us being with her, then he needs to know I won’t go down easily and neither will Reilly.

Nix runs a hand through his messy hair. “I know, man. It’s weird. I’m not going to lie. I’ve never felt like this before, and I didn’t anticipate having to share the woman I’m falling for, but she cares about both of you. I’m not going to get in the way of that as long as you are cool with her letting me in too.” He’s being way more level-headed than expected, but it shows just how much he cares about Tara to recognize what she wants and needs.

“I guess that’s settled then.” I chuckle. “Never expected us to be in a situation like this, huh?”

“Not at all, but she’s worth it. She’s worth all of it,” he says seriously.

“That she is. She’s—” My words are cut off as my computer dings with an alert. Both of our attention goes back to the screen, trying to figure out what my scan just found. Thank God for the software I created. Without it, we wouldn’t have gotten this far. It also helps that Lya and Rian have been working tirelessly too. She finally handed over the information she was withholding from Nix to fuck with him.

“What is it?” Nix sits up, moving closer to the screen.

“One sec, let me look.” I shift through the screens trying to pinpoint what my scan caught onto. There are so many different things pulling up but nothing that seems like it would be serious. I allow the scan to run a bit longer until something catches my eye.

What the fuck?

“What? What is it?” There’s an edge to his voice.

“Umm…maybe we need to take a second and come back to this.” The hesitancy I’m feeling is overwhelming. What I’m seeing right now doesn’t look good, and I have no idea how to explain it. I don’t really even know what this means, and honestly, Nix is going to become unhinged. I’m worried he might jump to conclusions just like he did with Tara before. He has a short fuse when he feels like he’s being attacked.

“Just tell me what it is,” Nix commands.

Here goes nothing. “There’s an offshore account. It was pretty hidden and had some serious protections around it, but I, with Lya’s help, was able to get past the smoke screens of it and…well, look at this.” I’m not sure how to explain this or what the explanation really is, so it’s just better if Nix sees it for himself.

“What the fuck is this?” He instantly gets defensive. He’s about to go off the rails in a matter of seconds. “Why was my dad sending them money?” So much for that lovey-dovey attitude he just had. It’s been replaced with a hard edge of anger.

“Maybe we should just take a moment and not jump to conclusions.” I look at him directly, trying to make him understand he needs to just chill the hell out for a second.

“How long has this been going on? When did it start?” He completely ignores my comment.


“How long?” He cuts me off, the anger rising inside him like a beast ready to go on the attack.
