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“It’s been going on for years as far as I can tell. It may go back further, but I know it’s been at least ten years.” I can understand the anger he’s feeling because I myself am very confused, but this isn’t going to get figured out by getting up in arms about it.

“This doesn’t make sense. My dad wouldn’t have been sending money like that. Especially that much money… to someone he hated.” He runs his hands through his hair in frustration. I can feel him getting ready to take flight and fight as he’s processing the information in front of us.

“Let me keep looking into it. It might not be what we think.” I try to ease his worries, but I’m not sure that’s going to be effective right now. He looks untamed and wild, like he’s going to snap at any moment.

“It looks pretty fucking clear to me,” he scoffs.

“Bro, sit down. Remember the last time you jumped to conclusions?” He pulls back like I just slapped him in the face with my words. The clouds in his eyes start to clear away. He surprisingly hears the words I’m telling him.

He takes in a deep breath and rolls his shoulders trying to ease the tension coursing through him. “Okay, okay, you’re right. I need to take a step back. I need to think about this. I shouldn’t jump to conclusions.”

“Let me look into it a bit more before you explode. I can feel your anger right now and I need you to bring it down.” I pat him on the shoulder trying to keep him calm. All I know is who’s name the account is in and the amounts Nix’s dad transferred. I can’t tell if any money was ever taken out of the account or anything like that. That’s going to take some deeper searching with Lya’s help.

“Just figure it out,” he demands. “Please.” The extra desperation in his voice signifies that he wants to do things the right way this time, but he still looks like a caged animal ready to fight.

“It’s going to take me a little bit to get more details. I need to bypass some more codes to see every transaction on the account.” That statement just went straight over his head. The longer this takes, the longer he has to simmer and wait for results. Nix is not good at being patient, so I already know this is going to be a mess.

“Fuck it.” And there he goes, just like I thought he would. He jumps from his chair, stomping to the door and pulling it open. I quickly follow him, making sure I’m on damage control this time. You’d think Nix would’ve learned from the last time he jumped to conclusions, but it looks like old habits die hard. I just hope things don’t go as badly as they did last time.

Storming down the hall, heading directly toward the stairs, I stop in my tracks when I find Reilly gawking at a certain beauty in a bikini. He’s so caught up in her he doesn’t even realize I’m standing right behind him.

Not that I can blame him, she looks like an absolute vision in that tiny yellow bikini of hers. When she and I talked earlier, it was hard not to sneak a peek at her delicate, delicious, and tempting curves. I wanted to gather her up and have my way with her, but I kept myself as calm as possible. I think it even won me some points, because she’s willing to give us another shot. Unfortunately, I can’t focus on that right now. I can only focus on the man I’ve called my best friend my entire life.

“Reilly,” I growl.

Jumping, he spins around, fists in a fighting position like he’s ready to knock my ass out. “Shit, don’t fucking scare me like that,” he gruffs, relaxing when he sees it’s me. “What’s up, man? Who peed in your Cheerios this morning? You seem pissed.”Of course, I’m mad. I just found out my best friend is going behind my back like a fucking traitor.

“Oh, I think you know what’s up,” I taunt, cracking my knuckles. He probably has no idea what I’m talking about, but he’s about to fucking find out real fast.

His eyes flicker to my action, his brows crinkling with confusion. “You care to explain what the hell you’re talking about? You really need some sleep, man. You’re losing it.” He’s the one who needs to explain what the hell is going on.

I attempt to take a step, but Rush stops me from angrily launching at Reilly. “What he means is, what’s up with you and his dad?” Rush takes over.

Reilly chuckles, looking me directly in the eye as he sets his glass of orange juice on the counter. Not sure what he thinks is funny, but I’m ready to wipe that smile directly off his face. “Your dad? I don’t want to be insensitive, but last I remember, he died and you were perfectly okay with that.”

“Why was he fucking paying you large amounts of money each month? What kind of shit did you get into with him? You’ve been doing all this behind my back.” The confusion returns to his face.

“Paying me? Are you high or something? Does it look like I have a shit ton of money? I hated that asshole as much as you did and you know that.”

I don’t want to think badly of my best friend, but the accounts don’t lie. My father’s money went directly to some offshore account in Reilly’s name. He was up to something and didn't want me to know about it. “Bullshit,” I growl.

Reilly takes a step toward me, not taking his attention from me. “Humor me then. Why do you think I’m all of a sudden best buddies with your dad, man?”

My top lip twitches in a snarl at his mocking tone. “You can’t lie your way out of this. We have documents in your name showing that he was sending you money for ten years, maybe more than that. For what though is the question.”

A quick expression of pain paints Reilly’s face, but it’s immediately masked by irritation. “I’m only going to say this once. I. Don’t. Know. I’ve never taken a penny from that bastard, and I never would have! You’re my best friend. I wouldn’t do shit like that to you.”

He’s never given me a reason not to believe him and he seems truthful. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me and why I can’t just take his word for it. When it comes to my dad, I’ve got serious issues. He was a prick who always thought I was a piece of shit, but to know he was somehow meddling with my best friend hurts the worst. “Prove it,” I demand.

Reilly scoffs, pushing my chest. “Seriously? Didn’t you learn your lesson with Tara? Are you that paranoid about everyone who cares about you? No one can just be on your side, everyone has to be hiding something or a fucking traitor. You’re so quick to react that you’re blinded by your own arrogance and trust issues.” The truthfulness of his words sting, but I push those feelings down. The anger burns in my blood and I can’t stop myself. My fist flies out, punching Reilly in the jaw. When I pull back, Rush steps in, grabbing my wrist so I can’t get in another hit. “Nix, stop!”

“Aww, don’t want me to mess up your boyfriend’s pretty face?” I sneer, taking it way too far.

“Fuck you!” Reilly growls. “I don’t know why any of us are still here anyway. You only seem to trust yourself. No one else is good enough for you. Your fuckingDaddymessed you up big time and you’re going to lose everyone that cares about you because of it. Stop being so fucking clouded and let someone else in. You need to calm your shit before you have nothing left.” Every single word he utters is the absolute truth and it enrages me.

Fuck him.

I try to go for him again, but Rush pushes me, walking me backward. “You know why you don’t leave because then you’d be alone, and you couldn’t fucking handle that.” Reilly stills, and I know I struck a nerve. I went too far and I’ll admit that, but I can’t take it back now. “Reilly, shit man. I shouldn’t have sai—”
