Page 13 of One Night Together

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“Thank you for agreeing to see us, Mr. Angelos.” Leo and Ben shook the older man’s hand as they each took a seat in two folding chairs opposite the desk. The small office was near the hotel kitchen. Conversation from the kitchen, banging pots and pans, and the aroma of fried garlic filtered into the office.

“Please, call me Stavros.” He had steely gray eyes, a hawk-like nose, and a full head of dark hair. “So, according to your email, your company, Costa Development, wants to make a bid to renovate my hotel.”

“That’s correct.”

“I’ve never heard of your company.” Stavros studied Leo and Ben closely. “I’m also not inclined to give this job to a first-timer.”

Ben gave Leo a nod and said, “I understand Stavros, but that’s not entirely true. We’ve completed a few projects in the UK and Brazil.”

Stavros shot a glance at Leo.

“I’m a Sutton,” Leo said. “For years, I’ve worked on construction crews all over the world.”

Stavros waved a dismissive hand. “I never met your father, but I’m aware his company built The Kronos Hotel. Tourists love it, but the people who live here, not so much,” he said with a scowl. “A hotel that size belongs in Las Vegas, not Santorini.”

This was good. They shared the same philosophy.

“We couldn’t agree more,” Ben said. “Tearing down the Triton to rebuild another huge hotel is not what we have in mind.”

Leo continued their pitch. “The Triton is small and should remain that way, but we can expand its footprint just enough to incorporate suites and create a unique destination spot for people who prefer intimacy over a sprawling hotel.”

Stavros regarded Leo and Ben with increased interest. “I’ll need to see some plans before I decide.”

Leo took a calming breath. He and Ben might get a break.

“Of course,” Ben said with a glance at Leo.

“I want to see them as soon as possible. However, I want to be transparent with you. Another company is making a bid.”

“Oh?” Leo asked, hoping it would be someone he could beat.

“Argo Construction. Do you know them?”

Shit. Argo Construction had been a rival of Sutton Properties for years. Bitter competitors, his father and Nikos Papadakis battled it out for bids all over Europe. But when it came to Greece, Nikos was the premier builder of choice. His parents were born here, so he had deep connectionsand insider information on which properties to buy.

“Who hasn’t heard of Argo Construction?” Leo asked, trying to remain upbeat and conceal his frustration. “Nikos Papadakis is a legend in the industry.”

Stavros sat up with attention. “Have you ever met Nikos?”

“I’ve met him once.” Once was plenty.

“I’ve known Nikos for years. He’s a brilliant businessman, but he’s also devoted to his family,” Stavros said. “He’s proud of his wife and very protective of his daughter.”

Nikos was light years apart from his father. If Nikos cared about family, James Sutton had spent years putting his own needs first. Mistresses, cars, and parties were his father’s priorities. He’d finally gotten close to his father at the end of his life, and his loss haunted him every day. “I’m sure Nikos has every right to be proud and protective of his family.”

Stavros got to his feet. “Nikos is a friend, but I promise to be open to your ideas.”

Leo stood and glanced at a grinning Ben. He must be pleased with how the meeting went.

“I understand you’re staying at the Triton.”

“Yes, we are,” offered Ben.

“Will you be here long?”
