Page 78 of Reborn a Queen

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“On my head,” I hissed. “You fucking wind her up all the time and you have the cheek to say that.” I took in some deep breaths. Kane went to speak again, but I held my hand up to his face. “Shut the fuck up. If she’s gone tomorrow, it’s your fault.”

We all remained seated in the kitchen for what seemed like forever. Nobody said anything, but I could see Seb was seething underneath his normal fun exterior. Ryan seemed shook up, but I wasn’t sure if it was hearing about Jack and Blake or something else.

“What was Lacey dreaming?” Kane asked Seb, finally breaking the silence.

“Why should I tell you?” Seb hissed, then he sighed. “It’s not my dream to say?”

“Tell him or I will,” I said. Because I was pissed with Kane too, but somehow, we needed to resolve everything that had happened.

“You saw it too.” Seb looked at me and turned back to Kane. “We were all kissing her and doing things to help her choose who to lose her virginity to.”

“You mean you wanted to keep that information to yourself?” Kane said.

“What does it matter to you?” Seb glared at Kane, and Kane glared right back at him. “You basically told her that her dream was sordid. That what we’re asking of her is vile.”

“Fuck,” he whispered. “I’m sorry I can’t help it. I feel so fucking jealous of everyone.”

Seb chewed the inside of his cheek as he stared at Kane. “She dreamed she was with us all. She woke up before she decided,” Seb said.

I sighed at Kane, and I got his jealously. Lacey wanted more than anything for it to be Lacey and me, and now it looked like it would never happen.

“We’d have known who she wanted if you left her sleeping,” Ryan said. “Were you actually scared it wasn’t you? Has she dreamed of someone else before and you’ve kept it to yourself?”

“I didn’t wake her up… the Dark King did,” Seb hissed, his voice full of venom. “But I was about to wake her up when she mentioned Jack and Blake… happy?”

“Fuck,” Kane hissed.

“We need to keep her away from Jack and Blake,” Ryan said. “They won’t make a mistake if she chooses them.”

“The bigger picture here isn't Jack and Blake,” Seb said, and sighed. “The Dark King is in her dreams and we don't know how powerful he is there.”

“We need to make her ours, and quick,” I said.

“Are you saying what I think you are?” Ryan said.

I nodded. “Yes, once she is intimate with us, she’ll stay with us and the sooner she feels comfortable, the sooner she binds.”

“So who goes first? Do we advise her to go with the smallest dick, get her used to having something inside her?” Ryan’s voice was harsh as he said the words, and I knew he didn’t mean what he said, but there was something going on in his head at the moment. He was quiet, but spent more and more alone time with Lacey at the library as they worked on a joint assignment together. Come to think of it, he’d spent more time with her than anyone else lately.

“Are you for fucking real?” Kane hissed, looking pissed off.

“I’m should be her first,” I said, almost huffing.

“Why? She’s not a fucking ride.” Kane shook his head. “Let her decide.”

“She was mine first and in the end, she’ll be mine again.” I also wanted to ensure that nobody was bound to her before me.

Seb smirked. “Fuck off Carter. You don’t have any rights for her. She made that plainly clear. We're all equal here.”

“Only because you took her home and confused the fuck out of her. I’ve seen what goes on in her head. I saw what you did,” Carter hissed.

“If you saw it, it is because she wants to recall it. Because you only know her thoughts, not what went down on the night,” Seb countered, because we both knew how this telepathy worked.

Ryan cleared his throat. “Okay, this needs to be calmed down. She’s already learned there are other knight groups. Her powers are growing and if she thinks we aren’t worthy, the kingdom will provide her with a new set of knights—and they’ll do it quickly because of the Dark King. We need her with us. We need her magic.”

“It’s all fucking wrong, the entire set-up and the way you’re talking about her like she has no say in this,” Kane said, not happy at all about everything. He couldn’t care less, so I wasn’t sure what was the problem. “And yes, I have a problem with Jack and Blake, okay? I have a good reason, but it’s personal.”

“Okay girls, stop fighting.” Seb laughed. “Maybe the smallest cock to the largest is the best way. I’m not bothered about being first, anyway. So you win, Carter.”
