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Chapter Thirty-Five


“Babe, come on, let’s go!” I shout from the kitchen, swirling the car keys on my finger as I wait.

Tessa wanders out from our bedroom, rolling her eyes even as she smirks at me. “You do realize we’re going to be super early if we go now, don’t you?”

I grin, walking toward her as I say, “Yeah I know, but I’m excited, I don’t wanna wait anymore.”

She laughs, smacking me lightly on the chest. “Us showing up early won’t make this happen any faster. We’ll only have to wait in the waiting room.”

I grab her wrist, tugging her against me. “Okay, so what should we do in the meantime then, huh?” I ask, sliding a hand to her ass and squeezing. “I mean I have some ideas, but…”

“Nope, no way. We absolutely cannot have sex right before we go to this appointment!”

“What, why?” I ask, confused.

Tessa shrugs. “I don’t know, it just seems…weird, doesn’t it?”

I laugh, kissing her forehead. “Babe, it’s already weird enough if I stop and think about the fact I’m having sex with you while my baby is growing inside you. Like I’m poking the poor kid in the head with my dick every time we fuck. Please don’t make it weirder.”

She smacks my chest again, laughing a little. “I’m not making it weird!”

“Yeah, you are! This kid will have seen more action than a porn star by the time it arrives.”

“Oh my god, Dylan, stop!” she says, laughing as she shakes her head at me.

Grinning, I squeeze her ass again. “Okay, fine, no sex before your appointment. What about if I eat you out instead, lick your little pleasure button and make you come with my tongue, does that work?”

“Dylan,” she says, still laughing. “Let’s just go to the appointment early.”

She pulls out of my embrace, and I can’t resist smacking her on the butt as she starts to walk away. “Okay fine, but we’re picking this back up when we get home. The sex part anyway.”

She looks over her shoulder at me, a sexy smile on her face. “Don’t we always,” she replies, as she heads toward the front door.

I reach for her, wrapping my arms around her from behind and pinning hers to her side. “Yes, we do,” I whisper, my mouth at her ear. “And I fucking love that.” I move my hand higher to cup one of her breasts, squeezing gently as I nuzzle her neck, loving the breathy gasp that falls from her mouth.

“God, so do I,” she moans, her head falling back onto my shoulder.

Even though Tess is pregnant, nothing about our sex life has changed. If anything, it’s gotten even better, especially with us now living together. She wasn’t wrong when she told me she would be one of those women who always wants to fuck when pregnant and damn if I am not down for it every single time she wants it. And boy does she want it. Sometimes even at work, where she has finally given in and let me have my way with her. And all of it has been un-fucking-believable.

I can’t believe I ever thought I wouldn’t want this but fuck me if I don’t love having her here with me all the time. I absolutely love falling asleep with her every night and waking up with her every morning. I love seeing her in the kitchen making us coffee and joining her in the shower when we get home from work. And more than anything, I love that she is having my baby.

“Sure you don’t want to change your mind about the no sex thing?” I murmur, nibbling her ear lobe.

She chuckles softly, moving my hand from her breast as she straightens and turns to face me. “Come on cheeky boy, let’s go. As tempting as it is, we definitely don’t have time for that,” she adds with a wink.

We are early to the appointment, and we spend a good thirty minutes sitting in the waiting room. There are several other women here, all at various stages of their pregnancy and as I look around the room, I can’t help but wonder what Tess will look like when she starts to show.

“Tessa Kramer,” someone suddenly calls.

Tess stands and I follow, taking her hand in mine as we walk down a short corridor to the exam room. The nurse weighs her and asks her to have a seat on the exam table, before stepping out and closing the door behind her.

A couple of minutes later, there is a knock on the door, before it opens and a woman walks in. “Good morning,” she says, smiling at both of us. “I’m Dr. Ashton, one of the doctors who will be treating you during your pregnancy. You must be Tessa?”

Tessa nods, shaking her hand as she says, “And this is Dylan.”

“Nice to meet you both,” she says, gesturing to the exam table. “Shall we take a look and see what’s happening?” Tess lays back on the table and the doctor takes a seat beside her. “You’re welcome to sit or stand on the other side, Dylan,” she says, smiling at me.
