Page 61 of Back to You

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“Justice for what?”

“For Cam! Justice for Cam!”

From behind them, the crowd started shouting, “Yeah! Justice for Cam! Free Cam! Free Cam!”

Cam’s heart melted as he watched his Valkyrie fly to his rescue. Even if she’d never love him the way he loved her, she’d always have his back.

Which—just made him love her more.

Skye turned and glared at Vivian. “Do you see what you did?”

Vivian looked a little guilty but powered on. “Why is Cam cuffed? How is that fair?”

“Because the idiot demanded to be cuffed because he might not ever get arrested again and didn’t want to miss out.”

“Oh.” Vivian turned and gave him such a damning look that he felt oddly proud of his ridiculous insistence.

And with all the grace he had even after landing on a rock when Jonathan tackled him, he just shrugged.

“Yes, now if you’ll excuse me, these two have created enough paperwork to last me several hours.”

“You know,” Vivian said, giving her a contrite smile. “Why don’t I walk over to Lyra’s and get you a few of those ginger cookies and maybe a thing of peach iced tea?”

Skye smiled at her and turned back to Cam and Jonathan.

It was exactly what Cam needed to see. Vivian, after being exiled, had made a home, a family, and a support system. Starlight Harbor was going to be good to her.

And maybe one day he’d come back and be able to appreciate that fully.

Skye marched them up the front steps and then down into the lower levels where the sheriff's offices were. He’d never been down here, but the front was really cozy if a bit sterile. He was already thinking of what he could design to make it a bit more welcoming when Skye pointed him through a set of doors. Four small cells were broken out along the old stone foundation. She put Jonathan in one, then motioned for Cam’s hands.

Unclicking the cuffs, she stuck them back on her belt and looked up at him. “Happy?”

“Completely joyful.”

She put them across from one another which was a relief since that meant he wouldn’t be tempted to reach through the bars and strangle Jonathan with his bare hands.

She closed the door, leaving them alone. Cam sat down on his cot, wondering who had actually spent time in here. Even the guests typically never got tourist-crazy.

Jonathan paced back and forth, obviously more upset than he was trying to let on.

“Wanna talk about it?” Cam asked, partly because he felt a tiny bit bad for him, but mostly because he absolutely had no idea how things had started or even escalated to this point.

Jonathan turned and gave him a gesture he didn’t think Skye would appreciate, so Cam stretched out on his cot and figured it was probably the last bit of quiet he’d have for a while, so he might as well enjoy it.

It wasn’t five minutes later he heard a raised, familiar voice.

“I demand to see my son.” His mother had apparently been alerted to his situation.

He heard a low response that must be Skye.

“I don’t care if you say he’s fine. He wasattackedwith hundreds of witnesses. I have a video already on my phone and I’m sorry, Skye, I love you, but prisons are dangerous places.”

Cam glanced around the fairly comfortable little cell with its high window overlooking the town square and snorted at the wordprison.

“Well then,” his mother responded to whatever Skye had said. “You won’t mind letting me in to see him. Harry is already calling our lawyer.”

The only lawyer anyone in their family had was the contract guy who did work for Cam’s business, so he couldn’t imagine who his dad was calling.
