Page 59 of Lost Love

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“I wouldn’t say bragging… I’m just stating the obvious. It happens in the world today. Manufacturing, once affordable in the States, has now gone offshore. We are just another company who chose profits over—”

“Over details and luxury and patriotism,” Olivia added. “Plus, what would you know? You don’t even work in the business? Your voice might be worth something should you actually choose to work in the family business and not just spend it.”

Ari stared at her, venom in his eyes.Shit!She’d hit some kind of nerve there.

Connor’s gaze drifted to mine, and I swallowed down hard. Pushing him aside, I extended my arms, literally placing them on Olivia’s and Ari’s forearms.

“Okay… well, I can see we will not agree on anything here tonight. Shall we just change the topic?”

“Fine by me. I don’t know how Barrett works with you, Olivia!” Ari said, removing his arm from mine.

Barrett leaned forward. “Hey, Ari, don’t fuck with Olivia… just a word of advice, pal. She’s got bigger balls than you.”

The entire table erupted into laughter while Francesca looked on, trying to play catchup.

“Yeah, no shit. How do you keep her in line?” Ari asked over the laughter.

“She holds her own.” Barrett leaned behind Magnus, giving Olivia a knowing smile.

“Damn right I do.” Olivia grinned at the size of the so-called balls she held, continuing the laughter around the table.

By the time dessert came around, Francesca had left Connor’s side and wedged herself between Ari and me. Ari gladly spilled the beans—which designers were going broke, who to watch, and who was sleeping with who. After all, Ari had a Rolodex of models at his helm and a grandmother who was designer royalty.

“Pepper, who is your fav designer because this dress is seriously fierce?” Francesca asked, running the pad of her finger across the fabric.

“I have a few. I’m partial to Victoria Beckham, but with my hips, I struggle to get into her pencil skirts. So my go-tos are Emanuelle Freda, Lola, and Nable.”

“Since the Kardashians, curves are back in, and anorexia is out.” Ari winked at me.

I smiled, thanking him for the compliment. When he wasn’t an asshole, he could be sweet.

“How can anyone like a ghetto booty? I mean, seriously, they must be implants. Gross,” Francesca said, swinging her long mane of blonde hair behind her shoulder.

“How can anyone like skinny… no butt? It’s like a fucking boy.” Francesca gasped, perhaps because Ari was referring to exactly her shape. Tall, gorgeous, straight up and down, the typical size zero.

“Excuse me.” I stood, pushing out my chair and excusing myself before getting in the middle of another situation. I walked past Lourde and Barrett, and she reached for my arm, stopping me.

“You okay, gorgeous?”

“Yes, nature calls.” I steadied on, tilting my head to the side. Connor’s piercing stare caused a warmth to scale my neck, and before a blush of crimson appeared on my cheeks, I disappeared through the velvet curtain and into the common area. Instead of the bathrooms, I walked outside to the sidewalk, desperate for fresh air.

Gazing up at the clear Manhattan night, the stars and Milky Way were bright and breathtaking, away from the light pollution over Times Square. I took a deep breath, filling my lungs completely before exhaling.

“Bit over-the-top in there, isn’t it?” His gravelly voice shot a flurry of warmth throughout my body.

Had he followed me out?

I felt him hover close behind me. The heat of his skin radiated, warming mine. For fear of losing my composure, I kept my attention on the starry sky.

“It can be,” I admitted.

He hovered close behind me. From my shadow, he shifted to stand beside me. When his arm brushed mine, I stilled.

“That is some dress,” he growled. “Are you doing this to tease me?”

I turned to him. “Me, tease you?” I said, exasperated, having to endure Francesca’s spindly fingers on him all night.

“Fair point.”
