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“I am unsure how to put this politely,” she began with what she hoped was a hesitant smile. “He has been persistent in his efforts to pursue a courtship with me. A courtship I do not welcome.”

“Ah, I see, then that would have been a most unwelcome surprise, in that case,” Mr. Northcott replied mildly with a gentle smile that encompassed all in the carriage. His fiancé was gazing at him with a slightly puzzled expression, but he didn’t address her. “I must apologize on behalf of my family for making you uncomfortable, Lady Constance. I wasn’t expecting to see him here either, to be frank. I thought Lady Adelaide was a little higher in the instep than to have one such as he at her quite exclusive entertainment, but there we have it, we all must endure the vagaries of being someone’s guest.”

“I had never met him,” Miss Alcott jumped into the conversation. “But I was surprised, too, because I was under the impression that Lady Adelaide had told me about everyone who was to attend.”

“So, you knew I’d be here, then,” Mr. Northcott teased her. “Were you hoping to entrap me, my dear?”

“This is not the point of our current conversation, sir,” Miss Alcott protested, blushing. “We are discussing Mr. Wagner, not you.” She turned back to Connie. “I’m sorry that he is bothering you, can we help in any way? I didn’t get a wonderful first impression of him, which is why I was surprised my friends included him here. How can we help?”

Connie was touched by her offer but wasn’t certain how to answer her. Thus far she had done a rather excellent job of protecting herself, she thought. But his arrival had given her a bad feeling. And sharing the burden would be such a relief. On the other hand, she didn’t actually know these people well, and trusting others wasn’t her strong suit. Besides, Miss Alcott’s brother had practically accused her of somehow being involved with a scheme involving Henry Wagner, so she shouldn’t be so very appeased by his sister’s kindness.

“I truly appreciate the offer and perhaps I’ll take you up on it but at this point, I have no idea what I might need. For now, Miss Smith has been doing her best to ensure I don’t find myself forced into an uncomfortable situation.”

“Oh, no, how dreadful that would be. We shall do our part to share in that, as well,” Miss Alcott immediately replied. Connie grinned when the young woman’s new fiancé quickly nodded his agreement to the scheme.

“You are all being very kind.”

“That man gave me the shivers when I first laid eyes upon him. I couldn’t have even told you why at the time. So, it will not be a hardship in the very least to put a spoke in his wheels, I can assure you.”

For the first time since returning from the continent, perhaps even for the first time in years before that, Constance Moreland felt a sense of homecoming. There were nice people being kind to her, not for anything they might gain from it, merely for the fact that they wished to be friends.

In that moment, she forgot about all the negative things that had been swirling within her that morning.

When they finally arrived at their destination, Connie made her way to Lady Adelaide’s side as casually as she could muster and probed for information about the investigation. They hadn’t been able to find out much the night before, and Connie was determined to find out what she could from her noble hostess.

"I do apologize, my lady,” Lady Adelaide said in a low but urgent voice. “I know you wanted to be involved and I tried every wile I could think of to convince my husband to bring us with them.”

Connie’s breath hitched. “Bring us with them where?”

Lady Adelaide glanced around in an almost dramatic way making Connie giggle despite the anger she was struggling to control. She felt as though she were directly involved in this situation, and it infuriated her to be left out and in the dark.

“You mustn’t tell anyone,” Lady Adelaide said firmly.

“Of course not,” Connie tried not to be offended.

“They, that is, Adelaide, his brother Gilbert who just arrived with the agents, and Mr. Alcott, as well as the agents, of course, have gone to the beach where the cotton was found. They want to find out what they can about where they are coming from and who is involved.”

“I see.” Connie didn’t actually see. But she didn’t know what else to say. “Do they have any suspicions about who might be connected?”

“There is some fear that it is some of our tenants.” Lady Adelaide sounded both mournful and offended, making Connie again fight against inappropriate humour.

“What about any of your guests?” Connie asked the question despite the possibility of it causing offense.

Lady Adelaide was far from stupid, despite her seeming preoccupation with certain things Connie might consider silly. She grew still and stared at Connie with a shrewd gaze.

“Did you have anyone in particular in mind?”

Connie pursed her lips and sighed through her nose.Ought she to say what she was really thinking?

“I was surprised to find Mr. Wagner as a fellow guest,” she commented, seemingly apropos of nothing. Lady Adelaide smiled and nodded.

“It was curious, was it not? I wasn’t sure if it would delight or offend you, and I do apologize if you have been made uncomfortable.” She paused and again glanced around, this time far more discretely. “Excuse me for saying this, but again, I must ask that you refrain from repeating what I’m about to tell you.” Connie nodded despite her irritation. “Mr. Wagner was invited at the request of my brother-in-law.”

Connie frowned. “That’s odd. Which one?”

“Gilbert. And yes, it was a trifle odd. I am pleased that Foster and Daisy were able to become betrothed despite all these irregularities. And if I’m not mistaken, there might be another happy event to celebrate,” Lady Adelaide said with a suggestive twinkle in her eye.

“Yes, yes, of course, but what about Wagner?”
